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TV viewership down 13% NFL Debut
(09-15-2020, 02:18 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: I like the national anthem. 
I'm a bit more skeptical of the pledge of allegiance, especially its use in elementary school.

I remember when I was a child, I was taught the pledge...but I had no idea what it meant. It was just something that was drilled into my mind out of necessity. If you refused to say it, you were sent to the principal's office. Thinking back to that time, it was very unusual behavior to have children recite a pledge of loyalty to their country before they even understood anything at all about politics. Getting people, especially children, to memorize and recite something they don't understand, especially something like a pledge of loyalty, every single day for years at a time is kind of creepy if you think about it. Could easily be mistaken for indoctrination.

It's kind of funny thinking of what I thought I was saying when I recited that pledge. "And to the Republic" I thought of the library, because it was the only other thing I knew that used the word "public." 
"For which it stands" I pictured a witch standing over her cauldron. 
"Indivisible" I thought of Invisible Woman. 

Very odd behavior.

For shirts or hats, those aren't allowed in the office in general, so they'd be a no. Button down shirts only.

I think Antifa is still considered a bit taboo, but BLM is widely accepted now. There's no stigma there anymore. I don't know what you're referring to about rapists or socks, but if I wanted to voice my support for justice in regards to the extrajudicial shooting of Jacob Blake, I doubt anyone would have an issue with it.

Obviously, these things are different across different offices. I heard there was a teacher who was put on leave for having BLM mottos in their virtual classroom down in a city in Texas. So I wouldn't be surprised if the redder the state, the less open work spaces would be to progressive causes.

As far as the people who think it's BS, I would implore them to live their truth. Don't do anything you don't believe in. And don't let anyone force you to say or do something you don't agree with.

I get what you are saying about the pledge and not understanding it, etc. I enjoyed your remembrance as a kid.  I was laughing!  :) 

In a way I think a unifying American message meant for ALL Americans such as the Pledge and Anthem being taught from a young age is good.  We want National unity and it's what keeps us together as an American people. What is wrong with indoctrinating our American children to believe we live in a great, united country that includes all Americans of all races?  Think of the unity that would bring. 

I can certainly see your point of indoctrination, but I feel that National unity being instilled from a young age is a good thing.  It's like glue that hold us together.  A core belief that we are all Americans and we are all unified together as one country.  Maybe the problem now is that we stopped "indoctrinating" our youth from a unifying standpoint.

As far as BLM, the fact it is accepted at any level is terrifying.  Having a specific "lives matter" for one race is the opposite of unifying.  Just read their web page and what they are about.

All lives matter, including black lives!  I find it interesting the black community wants to blame everyone else for their problems.  Just look at the crime stats.  Black crime is horrific and the Black population is only 13.4% of the population.  Black on black murder and violence is off the charts.  Look at Chicago EVERY weekend.  Killing each other and their children.  It's like a third world country.

What we need are conversations about how we can help the black communities overcome their overwhelming violence, murder and broken home problems.

Why would a cop in a high crime area not be apprehensive when dealing with a black person?  It's not racist, it's crime stats and the reality of ultra high murder and violence in black communities.

If anything I said was offensive to anyone, I truly apologize and it was not my intent in any way.

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RE: TV viewership down 13% NFL Debut - CJD - 09-15-2020, 04:06 PM

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