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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
(09-16-2020, 10:14 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Florida has a larger population (21.48M) vs NY (19.45M).  NY has more than 2x's the deaths (32,662) as Florida (12,938).  Florida not locked down vs NY locked down.

How are you getting that Florida is on pace to have thousands more deaths than NY by the end of the year?  NY has 19,724 more deaths as of today.

Even if they even out by the end of the year, Florida will be ahead from an economic standpoint plus less ancillary harms from lock downs.

I don't mean to sound rude, but did you read anything I wrote?

Florida's death count has gone from 3000 a month to 4000 a month to now on pace to 5000 a month. If that trend continues, they'll be at nearly 36,000 by the end of the year. 
New York had 167 deaths last month. They're on pace for 150 this month. That means they're on pace to have about 525 more deaths by the end of the year. Florida had more deaths than that last week... so Florida has as many people dying each week as New York will have in the next 15 weeks combined. 

I also noted that the vast majority of those NY deaths came at the start when we didn't have as much information about dealing with it and lacked critical supplies. 

Florida does not have that excuse. They knew what methods can be used and have the supplies. They're actively choosing to let thousands of citizens die each month. Being open right now is killing thousands of people who do not need to die. Florida will have more deaths than any other state by the end of the year if they do not change course. 

Edit: just checked Texas. They're at 14.5k with over 150 deaths a day last month. They're on pace to have the 2nd most deaths by the end of the year.

California is having issues too. 3700 deaths last month, but they're declining this month (on pace for 3000). They also have the population of those other two states combined, so per capita they're nearly half Texas and Florida.
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