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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
(09-17-2020, 12:09 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Show me where I called for a single mask mandate. You can’t because I didn’t. I’d settle for a President who doesn’t lie about the need for wearing them so he could have avoided declaring a state of emergency after sitting with his thumb up his ass for 2.5 months.

Name these mysteriously nonspecific ancillary harms. And remember, it’s 200K dead and climbing in 6 months and we’re probably not even halfway to a vaccine.

Now multiple the suffering for that one person x 200K Covid deaths and climbing.

You keep claiming there isn’t any evidence to support lock downs, so I’d like to see your data on lockdown related suicides and child abuse.

Show me the data. I grew up in an abusive home. As much as it sucked, I’d prefer it to death. Because the beatings eventually stopped. Death is permanent.

The economy recovered after the pandemic in 1918.

All that’s important. Which is why we need we need strategies to avoid lock downs. Not lies and political rallies which helped spread the disease leading to the lockdowns.

After your tutorial on the mortality rate of 3% producing 9M deaths you still don’t get it.

Let’s talk about them. Because so far all you’ve offered is speculation and fear mongering and little to no actual facts. Careful, you don’t want to start a panic. So maybe you should just lie to us about how the ancillary harms are a Democrat hoax. You know, for our own good.

Remember back in March when Trump said keeping Covid deaths under 100K would be a good job?  I do. Well, all I got to say is, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”

Hell, I can’t educate you on masks. I’m not a miracle worker.
Show me where I called for a single mask mandate. You can’t because I didn’t. I’d settle for a President who doesn’t lie about the need for wearing them so he could have avoided declaring a state of emergency after sitting with his thumb up his ass for 2.5 months. 

I never said you did.  I was trying to restate my position more clearly.

Name these mysteriously nonspecific ancillary harms. And remember, it’s 200K dead and climbing in 6 months and we’re probably not even halfway to a vaccine. 

Just Google man!  And I thought I wrote 3 paragraphs on it.

Now multiple the suffering for that one person x 200K Covid deaths and climbing.

 Context bro.  While it is awful that anyone has died from Covid, the fact is that a huge majority of deaths are elderly or elderly with comorbitities.  And over 40% of the deaths were from elderly in nursing homes.  They were end of life or close to it already.  We are talking about 10's of millions of healthy people who have lots of life left.  We are talking about business owners, employees, kids.

You keep claiming there isn’t any evidence to support lock downs, so I’d like to see your data on lockdown related suicides and child abuse. 

I didn't say there was no evidence for locking down.  I said at this point in time we are causing more harm by the lock downs than the lives that are being saved by it.

Show me the data. I grew up in an abusive home. As much as it sucked, I’d prefer it to death. Because the beatings eventually stopped. Death is permanent.

The economy recovered after the pandemic in 1918.

They also didn't impose lockdowns and 102 years ago is a completely different time with completely different tech.

All that’s important. Which is why we need we need strategies to avoid lock downs. Not lies and political rallies which helped spread the disease leading to the lockdowns.
"helped spread the disease".  See: "peaceful protests" that are A OK, with CNN and MSNBC.  The best was on the same day CNN was hammering Trump for some gathering (not rally) with optional masks and social distancing, CNN was also showing coverage and praising thousands having a legit peaceful protest (I forget where) with optional masks and little social distancing.  I mean the hypocrisy is just absolutely astounding at this point.  How about Gov. Cuomo going off on a normal citizen because normal citizen called Cuomo out in real time for violating his own mask mandate and rhetoric.  Rules for thee, not for me!  See: Nancy "Blowout" Pelosi.  It's bad on both sides.

After your tutorial on the mortality rate of 3% producing 9M deaths you still don’t get it. 

I guess I will have to show my dumbness again.  We are at 200K after 7 months of mostly Elderly and elderly with comorbitities.  How did we get to 9M again?  And the mortality rate of healthy, infected individuals is far less than 1%.

Let’s talk about them. Because so far all you’ve offered is speculation and fear mongering and little to no actual facts. Careful, you don’t want to start a panic. So maybe you should just lie to us about how the ancillary harms are a Democrat hoax. You know, for our own good.

I have offered fear mongering?  By saying we should open because Covid and the stats, imo, don't warrant a lockdown and it's not as bad as the media is making it out to be and the ancillary harms could potentially be worse than Covid in the end?  That's fear mongering????  Lie about ancillary harms being a Dem hoax?  I'm just giving my opinion.

Remember back in March when Trump said keeping Covid deaths under 100K would be a good job?  I do. Well, all I got to say is, “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!”  If you subtract the 40%+ nursing home deaths brought on by the incompetent Dem governors you are pretty close to that number after 7 months of Covid.   ThumbsUp   How did Florida do in nursing home deaths again?  And Florida has more elderly care facilities than NY.

Hell, I can’t educate you on masks. I’m not a miracle worker.

SorryI guess I am just a big , stupid uneducated dumb dumb.

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RE: Coronavirus Information...who do you trust? - Mickeypoo - 09-17-2020, 10:45 AM

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