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This team needs entire roster needs upgrades...but how do we do it?
Bare minimum, give Anarumo and Turner their walking papers. Two seasons are enough for these two. Thanks for playing.

If I'm upper management, I am telling Zac Taylor point-blank that 2021 is make or break. We're not wasting Burrow's talent and rookie contract on this bullshit.
Frankly, I am not opposed to them dumping him in January. But since that's not likely, I'd make him hire an actual offensive coordinator. The experiment with our "offensive guru" isn't working.

I agree with Wes. It pains me to say it, but you gotta start talking about dumping some beloved vets. Green, Dunlap, Atkins, Bernard. Dunlap's and Atkins' contracts are taking up too much money when compared to the return on investment. It's simply not there. And if Green can't get out of whatever funk he's in, he's playing himself out of a second contract anyway.

Bobby Hart absolutely, positively, 100%, "never been more sure of anything in my entire life" HAS to be gone after this year. I will be beside myself if he's still on this roster in 2021.

Dumping Hart, in addition to cutting some of the guys above, frees up some money to get some actual offensive linemen in here, and to get younger on the defensive line.

I'm fine with going into rebuild, but Jesus Christ at least give your QB a chance to succeed without getting his head knocked off in the process.
Everything in this post is my fault.

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RE: This team needs entire roster needs upgrades...but how do we do it? - Big Boss - 09-18-2020, 12:14 PM

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