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Will we refuse to trade veterans in a lost season again?
The trade deadline this year is Oct 27, which is 2 days after we play the Browns again week 7. I predict we'll have won 1 or 2 games at that point.

Everybody knows we could've amassed draft capital last year, and it was to the ire of many on this board that we refused. While I wouldn't have minded trading players, I do understand the rationale against it - you don't build a winning culture by losing games.

But it's also my sense that the front office might have made some moves, but was talked about of it by the coaches. I'm not so sure they'll be as deferential to a coaching staff that, at that point, would've guided us to two lost seasons.

So my topic for discussion is, do you think we'll be more likely to trade somebody this year than last, and if so, who?

Please no dumb answers like trading Bobby Hart. No other team would trade for him.

Regardless of whether it's the right move, I still don't think AJ is going anywhere. He's still more valuable to us than whatever we could get for him at this point.

But that's not true of John Ross. We gain about 2.8M in cap space by trading him, which rolls over to next year. We aren't re-signing him anyway, that's obvious. We wouldn't get much, but some contender out there might give up a day 3 pick for the fastest guy in the league to back off some DBs.

And sometimes I just think Carlos Dunlap is miscast in our emerging 3-4. A play off contender like the Saints or Bills who need a pass rusher and run a 4-3 might pony up for him. Chops about 13 million off our 2021 payroll. Of course, it would depend on what's offered. I do NOT believe in trading a guy just for the sake of trading him, when it compromises our ability to win even in the short term. "Winning culture" is a real thing, it just has to be balanced against potential gains of a trade.

I think a Geno trade is unlikely though. 7.8M cap hit. Also, we got almost nothing behind him to get through the season with. With Dunlap you can put Kareem and Lawson in there, thus absorbing the loss, but with Geno gone every game will be like last night.

I wouldn't bring this up so early in the season, by the way, if we hadn't gotten pushed around last night by a not-great team. Let's face it, that wasn't really a 5 point loss. I think we stack a few wins after the bye week because we have some softer opponents, but our problems aren't entirely correctable in-season. If it was just that we need time to gel I'd have more optimism, but I really do think we just don't have great players (and bad coaching). Gonna be a long season again. 4-12, maybe 5-11, which puts us in the 3-8 range in the draft.

(Pretty sure I know how Wes Mantooth will answer this!)

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Will we refuse to trade veterans in a lost season again? - Geno_Can_Dunk - 09-18-2020, 04:36 PM

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