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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
(09-17-2020, 10:45 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I never said you did.  I was trying to restate my position more clearly.

Cool.  So how do you get people to wear a mask when they refuse to do it of their own accord?

Quote:Just Google man!  And I thought I wrote 3 paragraphs on it.

Why should I do your work for you?  You're the one suggesting the ancillary harms could be worse than the death count.  It's not my job to make your point for you.

Quote:Context bro.  While it is awful that anyone has died from Covid, the fact is that a huge majority of deaths are elderly or elderly with comorbitities.  And over 40% of the deaths were from elderly in nursing homes.  They were end of life or close to it already.  We are talking about 10's of millions of healthy people who have lots of life left.  We are talking about business owners, employees, kids.

So a 20 y/o losing a job is worse than a 65 y/o dying?  Or a 20 y/o losing a job is worse than a 20 y/o with asthma dying of Covid?

Quote:I didn't say there was no evidence for locking down.  I said at this point in time we are causing more harm by the lock downs than the lives that are being saved by it.

You didn't?  Then what did you mean by this . . .

(09-16-2020, 02:04 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I also have not seen any hard evidence that shows lock downs help.


Your first link isn't counting lives lost.  It's counting hours lost.  Which means all deaths aren't created equal because all lives aren't created equal.  It other words.  Your 9 y/o's life is more valuable than your 12 y/o's life.  Are you willing to look your 12 y/o in the eye and tell him their sibling's life is more valuable?

Most of the conditions they are complaining about in your second source and used for that study aren't even in effect anymore, such as deferred cancer screening.  Most of the doctor's complaints haven't been in effect since May and are no longer applicable. Which means their conclusion based upon conditions that no longer apply aren't applicable, either. If you need any sort of cancer screening here you can get it, but if you work at a restaurant you have to wear a face covering.  Oh, boo freakin' hoo! Do you know why restaurant workers have to wear a face covering?  For the same reason a guy working in IT at a hospital with zero patient contact has to wear one.  Are you going to die from wearing a face covering? No, you're not.  But, you just might save a life by wearing one by not infected someone else directly or indirectly.


I asked for evidence to support your claim of increased prevalence of child abuse.  This source does nothing to support your claim.  The only thing that article identifies is a 50% decrease in child abuse reports in two states suggesting it is because students aren't in school.  But, it also identifies teaches account for 20% of reports which wouldn't explain the 50% decrease.  It also identified "some" hospitals have reports increased cases of child abuse without any statistics to support your claim.  At best, you have speculation to support your speculation.

Quote:They also didn't impose lockdowns and 102 years ago is a completely different time with completely different tech.

And there were approximately 675,000 deaths in America over a 2 year period.  We have almost 1/3rd the total deaths in 1/4th of the time span.
Quote:"helped spread the disease".  See: "peaceful protests" that are A OK, with CNN and MSNBC.  The best was on the same day CNN was hammering Trump for some gathering (not rally) with optional masks and social distancing, CNN was also showing coverage and praising thousands having a legit peaceful protest (I forget where) with optional masks and little social distancing.  I mean the hypocrisy is just absolutely astounding at this point.  How about Gov. Cuomo going off on a normal citizen because normal citizen called Cuomo out in real time for violating his own mask mandate and rhetoric.  Rules for thee, not for me!  See: Nancy "Blowout" Pelosi.  It's bad on both sides.

Those peaceful protestors are doing exactly what you suggest.  You don't get to suggest doing away with masks or masks mandates and opening everything up then complain about people not wearing masks and acting like everything is normal.

Quote:I guess I will have to show my dumbness again.  We are at 200K after 7 months of mostly Elderly and elderly with comorbitities.  How did we get to 9M again?  And the mortality rate of healthy, infected individuals is far less than 1%.

This is an infectious disease which no one has immunity to it.  So everyone is at risk of getting it.  With a case fatality rate of 3% and a population of 325M who are susceptible that gives you 9M deaths without mitigation strategies.

It's like figuring out how many miles you can drive with a 17 gallon gas tank and truck that gets 21 mpg highway.

Quote:I have offered fear mongering?  By saying we should open because Covid and the stats, imo, don't warrant a lockdown and it's not as bad as the media is making it out to be and the ancillary harms could potentially be worse than Covid in the end?  That's fear mongering????  Lie about ancillary harms being a Dem hoax?  I'm just giving my opinion.

Claiming the ancillary harms are worse than the lives lost without evidence is pretty much the definition of fear mongering.

Quote:If you subtract the 40%+ nursing home deaths brought on by the incompetent Dem governors you are pretty close to that number after 7 months of Covid.   ThumbsUp   How did Florida do in nursing home deaths again?  And Florida has more elderly care facilities than NY.

From the CDC source you provided, those numbers are also unsupported and the 40% number includes residents and staff without separating the two or identifying age groups or comorbidities to actually fact check it.

Quote:SorryI guess I am just a big , stupid uneducated dumb dumb.

You know a helluva lot more than I do about IT. You just don't know the first thing about masks.  Therefore, you shouldn't be handing out advice about who, when, what, where, or why about masks on a national level.

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RE: Coronavirus Information...who do you trust? - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 09-21-2020, 12:53 PM

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