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When will the Bengals front office realize..........?
The only shot we have at winning in Oct is next weeks game at home against Jax. After that we have the Ravens, Colts, and Browns again. At this point I'm less concerned about wins and more concerned about the future. A few concerns/comments below:

1. Burrow not getting hurt or burnout on the lack of commitment to winning. Realistically the Bengals weren't going to do anything this year but without seeing the commitment to making meaningful changes, i.e. fixing the Oline and holding people accountable, then I don't see how Burrow doesn't look around and wonder if he did make a big mistake coming here. Enough talk from Zac/Duke, it's time for action, he's going to lose the team if he doesn't do something soon. Trade draft picks for an Oline asset, you've got to do something.

2. Zac and the coaches he brought in to surround him. Realistically Zac was just a guy with big talk, positive attitude, and pushing for change. Something that the Bengals desperately needed to revive the narrative around mediocre (at best) teams, thought process, and public image. He was nothing more than those things and the Bengals needed them after 16 years of Marv and Mike running things "old school". What is happening is the execution is not matching the theories, talk, and they're losing any credibility extremely quickly. Not because they losing but because of HOW they are losing. Zac is in way over his head, he doesn't have excellent coaches (other than Darrin) to make up for his inexperience that he can lean on. He's going to lose the team and fans if he doesn't try to make immediate changes. Not sure who he could get to come help out but they should be pulling out every trick in the bag to make it happen. Again, I'm not as concerned about wins as I am about improvements and building something for the next few years.

3. I gave Zac last year as a new HC, late start, didn't have his guys, etc. Hell I was prepared to give him this year too as long as there was actual commitment to change in execution, accountability, and not just talk. So far Zac has been nothing but a "paper tiger" (no pun intended, it's an actual phrase, google it), he has not backed up any of his talk about accountability. What he needs to be doing are revolutionary changes and not evolutionary. From his words/actions thus far he's stuck in the latter and that's not going to cut it to fix the Bengals problems. It's like the story of the chicken and the pig when talking about eggs and bacon for breakfast. Sure the chicken is involved but the pig is committed. We need a pig or we're going to be stuck in this misery all season. Be a pig a pig.

End rant.
Confucius say, he who go to bed with itchy butt wake up with smelly finger.

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RE: When will the Bengals front office realize..........? - WestCoastBengalsFan - 09-28-2020, 02:16 AM

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