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What would it take for you to say that Biden/Trump won the debate?
Got named checked but never got that PM so I'll take a stab at it here.

For Biden I am looking for him staying focused.  He and his campaign have made a good effort to ignore Trump and his insults and lies/made up facts.  Biden doesn't have to wow people with his plans for America because as many have already said most voters have made up their minds on who is the better person to lead the country but, IMHO, he does have to clearly show that he has a plan that is different than the one Trump says he has.  And again I know that the facts won't matter to some voters but it would be good, to me, if he can stay on message and let Trump flail.

Trump needs to at least look prepared.  If he still thinks he can just wing it with talking points and conspiracy theories like he did in 2016 he will not look good.  Trump would have to, again as others have said, sound like he knows what he is talking about AND tell the truth.  Humility, empathy, any kind of humanizing performance would give him a boost with the "this was when he looked presidential" voting bloc.

Of course I don't think Trump can do that.  He doesn't pre-read speeches so he won't prepare for the debates the way he should (and should have in 2016).  

Trump's rough approach will seem worse when compared with Biden's easy going smiling style.

And to the idea of voting for Trump?  Ever?

Not if you had asked me any time between 1995 and 2020. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
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RE: What would it take for you to say that Biden/Trump won the debate? - GMDino - 09-29-2020, 10:05 AM

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