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President and First Lady test POSITIVE!
(10-02-2020, 08:35 AM)Dill Wrote: lol ok, I will, thank you.

Some local school leaders have had the good sense to buck Trump's "leadership" in this matter,but he has made it hard for them as possible in his rush to open the economy to help his election. 

Your defense of Trump is that states still had enough power to ignore his very poor decision/demand that they open?

Please keep continuing to exonerate Trump for bad judgement exhibited week after week and month after month during a pandemic.

From him we've seen nothing but mixed messaging on masks, competition between federal and state governments for resources, punishment of whistleblowers (as in China), abuse of his power to distort numbers, and rallies with thousands of exposed, cheering followers BOOING at suggestion of masks.  "But he banned travel from China!" back when once. lol

How Trump officials pressured the CDC to play down the risk of reopening schools to fit the president’s reelection agenda

Trump pushes to reopen schools, says closures will probably cause ‘more death’

The president also indicated that if some state or local officials decide not to reopen schools, he thinks the school funding should be reallocated to parents. Earlier this month, Trump made a similar threat that he may withhold federal funding from schools that do not resume in-person classes this fall. 

“We say if a school doesn’t want to open or if a governor doesn’t want to open, maybe for political reasons and maybe not but there is some of that going on, the money should go to the parents, so they can send their children to the school of their choice,” Trump said Thursday. “If schools stay closed, the money should follow the students so families are in control of decisions about their sons and daughters, about their chil

How Trump’s Push to Reopen Schools Backfired

“SCHOOLS MUST OPEN IN THE FALL!!!” President Trump declared on July 6, voicing a mantra he would repeat again and again in the coming weeks, with varying degrees of threat, as he sought to jump-start the nation’s flagging economy.

Around the same time, caseloads in much of the country started to climb again. In the weeks since, hundreds of districts — including nearly all of the nation’s largest school systems, along with scores of rural and suburban districts — have reversed course and decided to start the school year with remote instruction.

Rising infection rates were clearly the major driver of the move to continue remote learning. But Mr. Trump’s aggressive, often bellicose demands for reopening classrooms helped to harden the views of many educators that it would be unsafe — and give their powerful unions fodder to demand stronger safety measures or to resist efforts to physically reopen...

A July poll by Education Week found that roughly 60 percent of educators said the pandemic had worsened their view of Mr. Trump, who already fared poorly with much of that group. A recent Washington Post poll found that parents disapprove of Mr. Trump’s handling of school reopening by a two-thirds majority. And a new Gallup poll showed that fewer parents want their children to return to school buildings now than they did in the spring.

Blah, blah, blah...There’s still not one school President Trump forced to re-open. My point still stands.

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RE: President and First Lady test POSITIVE! - Stonyhands - 10-06-2020, 08:19 PM

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