Poll: Are you in favor of stacking the Supreme Court?
Something about Abraham Lincoln
All of Trump's judicial nominations are white!
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Are you in favor of stacking the Supreme Court?
(10-08-2020, 02:09 PM)BrownAssClown Wrote: Short answer no....but if it does happen you can blame Mitch McConnell, he's the one that says things like we have the power and the numbers to get it done. IMO Obama should of had his pick, Trump should of had 1 pick so far, and whomever wins in November gets to fill the current vacancy. McConnell is not playing by the rules he set forth in 2016, Why?...He doesn't have to, he has the numbers and the power, so don't go blaming the Democrats if they get the power
and the numbers to pack the court. Again, should it happen no, but I won't blame them if they do it and you have folks like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham to thank for it.

There's a long legacy of one-upmanship in the Senate in terms of who can grab more power. You saw it with the Nuclear Option in 2013. And even that was only done because McConnell was intentionally preventing appointees from being confirmed. And, before that, in 2003, Democrats were doing the same thing, which made Republicans consider the nuclear option before getting a larger majority in 2004. I'm sure if you go back further, you'll see even more back and forth in terms of trying to snuff the other side out.

 I think it was kind of required to remove the 60 seat vote rule because the days of one party having 60 seats in the Senate may be gone forever. At least until something dramatically changes about the way politics are discussed and executed in this country. 

I don't know how to repair our political system. The idea of Republicans and Democrats working together ever again seems...unlikely. Maybe if we have a shift in one direction or another and members of the same party now begin migrating between parties (like, for example, if the extremist Republicans of today begin to fade away with time and the conservatives in the Democratic party like Biden become the new "Republican party" and the AOCs and Bernies become the new "Democratic Party"), but the idea of that ever happening is just so low, I can't even fathom it occurring from where we are today.

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RE: Are you in favor of stacking the Supreme Court? - CJD - 10-08-2020, 02:18 PM

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