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What Joe can do to help himself
So some examples of what I am talking about in terms of embracing spread and using a lot of pre snap motion to hold guys.

This is an example of a jet motion with the same pin and pull toss we have been running out of shotgun for weeks, could also be done with orbit motion. The motion to the side you normally run to out of shotgun pulls the defens inside allowing the back to get wide with the pin and pull blcoking.

Now here is an example of an orbit motion starting to give a defense a similar look, but instead the reciever returns allowing for essentially a wide handoff/swing pass outside to the reciever. KC runs this play a lot!

This is a orbit motion CAR used to run when Cam was there. The motion to McCafferey was set up earlier, and they always have the threat of the inside zone. Instead, here they show the orbit screen but the back sneaks out on the screen instead.

Here is an example of the RPO I was talking about earlier. The inside action pulls the LB down and the QB puts the slant right behind the LB.

This is an example of a trips/inside zone RPO I want us to do more of. The inside defender is timid here thinking he needs to fill to stop the inside zone which allows the slot WR to release out to the flat (Safety has eyes but has no chance to close) while the other receivers go vertical. QB reads the hesitation and delivers, great play to the wide side of the field.

I think it would do us well to completley embrace the spread because we can essentially negate a lot of our blocking issues through misdirection and confusion. Baltimore and Pittsburgh presnap motion more than any other teams in the league, there is a reason for that.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What Joe can do to help himself - J24 - 10-14-2020, 02:16 PM
RE: What Joe can do to help himself - Au165 - 10-14-2020, 03:29 PM
RE: What Joe can do to help himself - Mer - 10-14-2020, 05:06 PM

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