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In wake of kidnap plot, GOP defends Trumps increased attacks on Whitmer
(10-19-2020, 02:56 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: One of the surprising (I guess, though maybe not really) storylines from this weekend was Trump's amplified attacks on Whitmer in the wake of the FBI arresting domestic terrorists who wanted to kidnap her.

Trump had a rally in Michigan in which he criticized her. The crowd eventually started a "lock her up" chant to which Trump replied "lock them all up"

His daughter in law suggested it was "fun" and "lighthearted".

Ronna McDaniel said that "lock her up" and "lock them all up" was only in the context of Whitmer locking down the state and shouldn't be construed as implying anything else. She tried to credit Trump with foiling the kidnapping, saying it was his FBI that stopped it.

Both deflected at some point by saying Republicans get threats from Democrats as well.

See, when he flips his hand and says "Lock her up". Then adds (derisively in my opinion) "Lock them all up" he only SAID those words.  We can't go by what he actually said we must do a deep dive into HOW he said it and what he meant in context of everything he has said about Michigan and the lockdowns.  

I look forward to multiple threads with many, many pages discussing this.  Mellow
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RE: In wake of kidnap plot, GOP defends Trumps increased attacks on Whitmer - GMDino - 10-19-2020, 08:44 PM

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