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What exactly is Joe Biden supposed to have done wrong in business dealings
Everyone on the right seems to be losing their mind over Joe Biden getting away with something, but I can't figure out what they are talking about.

I know there is nothing to the Ukraine story because when Biden forced Shokin out of his job that was just official US policy working in conjunction with The World Bank and most of the European Union. everyone giving any aid to the Ukrain wanted him removed from his position, so it had nothing to do with Hunter Biden and Buresma.

Then there is an alleged deal to make money in China in 2017 after Biden was no longer vice-president. But again I don't know what he was supposed to have done that was wrong or illegal. Lots of people do business with China. even president Trump's business has investments in China.

So what exactly is Joe Biden supposed to be hiding? What did he do wrong?

I asked this same question in the "Laptop" thread, but never got an answer. Please don't get this one locked before someone can answer my question.

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What exactly is Joe Biden supposed to have done wrong in business dealings - fredtoast - 10-29-2020, 01:21 PM

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