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Question For Biden Voters......
(11-04-2020, 03:40 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: When did I say they were stupid?

You think the average voter is considering our relationship with South Korea as a reason to not vote for Trump?

The only complaint with Trump's handling of the pandemic was that he downplayed it, which he did so the public wouldn't panic, which is what a leader does.  Operation Warp speed could save hundreds of thousands of lives.  If it were up to Joe, we'd still be locked down.  Bad example.

Immigration policies?  Because he wants to strengthen the southern border?  Do you lock the doors to your car and your house?  How's that different?

Tariffs benefit the American worker.

Once again, you list things easy to prove wrong.

No he doesn't.

There were many complaints about Trump's handling of the pandemic, starting with his decision to reduce the CDC staff before the pandemic. 

Then his late response to travel from Europe, which appears to be the reason NY was hit so hard. 

Countries which fought the pandemic successfully, like S Korea, did so with aggressive testing and contact tracing. Trump has sought to downplay and "slow down" testing. 

Leaders in other countries--except those with Trump-style leaders like Brazil and Great Britain--created a national, centralized policy to fight the virus. Trump threw it up to individual states, politicizing the pandemic response by naming "Democratic governors" responsible for their own outbreaks while forcing them to compete with the federal government for supplies.

He publicly disparages one of the world's best epidemiologists while creating a national platform for a crank in Dr Atlas. That suggests that he is not following the best practices in pandemic response which have been successful in other countries. He does not have even minimal understanding of biology, disease transmission, scientific method. And he distrusts those who do. And Trump voters put him in a position to decide pandemic policy.

You also accept Trump's reasons for downplaying the pandemic; but his actions show he was watching the stock market, worried about his re election, that is why he was slow to shut down the nation and ready to open again too soon.

 Dictators "protect" their population from the truth to protect themselves.  

In a democracy, "real leaders" don't disseminate false information about pandemics, disparage doctors and nurses, do their best to keep data from the public for fear of looking bad.

Trump has done all that, while his followers call it "leadership"?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Messages In This Thread
Question For Biden Voters...... - BFritz21 - 11-04-2020, 12:11 AM
RE: Question For Biden Voters...... - Dill - 11-04-2020, 05:14 PM
RE: Question For Biden Voters...... - Dill - 11-04-2020, 05:05 PM
RE: Question For Biden Voters...... - CJD - 11-04-2020, 02:26 PM

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