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Is Legal Weed From California OK??
(11-06-2020, 06:54 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Here is the best thing to do with the low THC "leaves" that are trimmed off plants.

Boil them in water with melted butter.  All the THC will bond with the fat in the butter.  Strain the liquid so it is free of any plant material.  when the butter rises to the top and cools you have THC laced butter that can be used in cooking or to make pot suppositories. The suppositories get the THC into your bloodstream much faster than edibles.

Bad advice. I did it that way a few times and it was shit compared to what I learned later. Now I take shit leaves and stems that growers throw away, follow these directions and I produce consistently awesome "budder". Many friends gave me the "You can't make good Pot Butter with just shake leaves." line. They changed their tune after I gave them some of my infused cake.

First you need to decarboxylate or "decarb" your pot.

  1. Decarb the cannabis. Preheat your oven to 245ºF. Place cannabis buds on a non-stick, oven-safe tray. Cover the tray with parchment paper to prevent sticking. Insert the tray into the oven and set a timer for 30-40 minutes. Older, drier cannabis may require less time.  Low-and-slow is the recommended approach when decarbing to better preserve the cannabinoids. Every 10 minutes, gently mix the buds with a light shake of the tray to expose the surface area of the buds equally.
This process breaks down the cells and lets the THC move out into the butter much easier. Crumble up all of it into mostly powder. Cut or break the stems into inch long pieces to make them easier to be removed later. I usually pass on the stems because I have access to several growers so I have hefty bags of pot leaves sitting in the garage. I give the stems to a neighbor that makes stem butter. My leaf recipe is not far off from the bud growers that use strictly bud in their edibles. Theirs is slightly stronger with a light yellow color, mine is strong with a light green color.

Put 4 cups of water and 4 sticks of butter into a crock pot that has a warm setting, not all crock pots have a warm setting. If you put it on low, it will get too hot and dissipate your THC out of your concoction much like vaping. Boiling it just makes shitty tasting butter with little to no THC. After the butter is melted, put in an ounce to three ounces of leaves and or stems

Leave it on warm for 12 hours, stirring every hour or so. It's best to start this process in the morning when you are going to be home all day. Being lazy and letting it soak all night without stirring it for 8 hours will not produce maximum results. Dispute it all you want, I'm speaking from experience.

Strain it through a cheesecloth into a Cool Whip type of flexible container and place it in the fridge for 3-4 hours. It's going to be HOT. When you squeeze the strained cheese cloth, non-powdered disposable gloves or kitchen gloves are recommended. Also, pulling out as many of the stems as you can. Getting pieces of weed in the strained butter is not the end of the world but it's best to keep as much of it out as possible.

After removing from the fridge, move around the outsides of the flexible bowl and pop the cold hard butter "disc" loose and discard the water.

Use warm water to wash and rub off the dark water residue off of the bottom of the large butter disc. If you don't, you will taste the nasty water in your food.

Pat dry with a paper towel, wrap in cling wrap and freeze. It is a perishable product that you just warmed up for 12 hours and mixed it with organic material. If you leave it in the fridge, it will spoil in days. True story.

Before freezing, I usually cut the large butter disc into six pizza slice shapes and use one at a time for a simple baking pan sixed cake, Betty Crocker Butter Recipe Yellow is the best from my experience. Duncan Hines has poor reviews from my friends when compared to the rest. They rate lower than the store brands(any of you older guys remember before the store brands and they carried GENERIC brand?). Pillsbury has a Sugar Free cake that is outstanding(light blue box) but usually around twice the price. No biggie if you are buying one but the only reason price is an issue is that I usually buy up to 10 at a time so it's a choice of 16-17 dollars or 32-35 dollars. I use 5 pieces for 5 cakes and I re-use the 6th piece to coat the pans with pot butter for each cake.

Cookies are bullshit unless you cut the butter back. They are WAY too strong, I can monitor everything much easier with an average slice of cake which comes out to about 1/5th of a cookie when it comes to amount of THC butter in each. If you are stoned and accidentally eat another cookie by mistake . . . your day is now officially ruined. I've never smoked myself into a stupor like that produced from eating too much THC infused food. It's not super high at all, it's just pass the **** out and feel terrible if you don't. If smoking weed made me feel anything like it is when you have too much infused food, I would have never been a user and probably just stuck with my beer.

I hope you give my directions a try. I got this same advice from several growers, who all in turn took my advice on the Betty Crocker recommendations and now add that in with their teachings.
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RE: Is Legal Weed From California OK?? - Forever Spinning Vinyl - 11-13-2020, 06:38 PM

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