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Trump, where do you stand on him now?
(11-18-2020, 01:59 PM)GMDino Wrote: Maybe add paranoid?  Ninja <--Joke

I asked a question.  One doesn't have to answer but I'd like them to answer.  Perhaps to even to spark a conversation.

You'll forgive if I don't believe this at all.

Quote:For example an "actual Trump supporter" could say if they still support the President tweeting falsehoods and firing people the same way.  Is that something that is okay with them now/still?  Are they just words or do those words have actions behind them such as with the firing.

Case in point.

Quote:We've had five years of full throated defense of Trump.  Suddenly it seems very few want to give their "honest opinion" on his behavior.

We have?  I don't recall a lot of "full throated" defense here, which is where you are asking the question.  In case you're wondering why you got no response, just reread this post, it should clear that up for you.

(11-18-2020, 02:09 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Depends on what their answer is and how logical it seems.  My brother in law supports Trump but he mentions taxation and other logical stuff before he starts ragging on Biden or Clinton.  There are logical reasons to support a republican over a democrat, but the more Trump caters to his ultra loyal cult the less logical support he's going to get.

There are some posters here who defend Trump in a logical sense, but it never has the zeal of the people who take the guy at his assuming anyone who defends Trump is going to just get dismissed as a nut seems a bit hyperbolic.

I've yet to see someone defend Trump on this board who wasn't instantly treated in the way I described.

(11-18-2020, 02:14 PM)Dill Wrote: The MO of "the usual suspects" isn't really name calling, is it?

It absolutely is.  I know you somehow never manage to see it but Hollo has, several times. 

Quote:The attraction that Trump has for his supporters has always been a legitimate curiosity, as has the frequent defense of that attraction by non-supporters. Failure to understand the Trump attraction at this point in U.S. history is a failure to understand U.S. politics and society.

So I second Hollo on this point. I'd be happy to hear who has changed his mind, and why, and who hasn't, and why.

And you won't for reasons I've already explained.  You're certainly not the worst offender in this regard, by a long shot, but your replies tend to veer towards the condescending and don't engender an atmosphere of honest discussion on this topic.

Quote:What criteria select Trump over Hillary or Biden?  Still?

I'd especially like to hear appreciation of his post-election behavior from supporters. What do YOU think is behind the claims of election fraud.

I'm not a Trump supporter and never have been, so I don't know why my opinion is of interest to you given your stated preference.  I've stated many times in many threads why I think he's doing what he's doing.  He wants to create enough doubt so he can leave office claiming he was cheated and never defeated.  I honestly don't think he even wanted a second term, but he damn sure doesn't want to be perceived as having honestly lost.

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RE: Trump, where do you stand on him now? - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 11-18-2020, 03:04 PM

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