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Biden Breaks Foot Playing With His Dog!
I didn't see a thread about this. Am I wrong or do people want to shove it under the rug and act like the next leader of the free world isn't frail?!

How do you break your foot playing with a dog?!

Quote:President-elect Joe Biden has hairline fractures in his “mid-foot” that will “likely require a walking boot for several weeks,” his doctors said Sunday, CNN reports.

The injury occurred as Biden played with his family’s dog, Major, Saturday.

“Initial x-rays did not show any obvious fracture, but his clinical exam warranted more detailed imaging,” Dr. Kevin O’Connor said Sunday, according to CNN. “Follow-up CT scan confirmed hairline (small) fractures of President-elect Biden’s lateral and intermediate cuneiform bones, which are in the mid-foot. It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks.”

President Donald Trump tweeted about the news, telling Biden to “Get well soon!”

Biden originally suffered the injury Saturday and went to the orthopedic office in Delaware for treatment. His doctor said it was a sprained right ankle at the time.

The New York Times reports that Biden’s team planned a follow-up Sunday to avoid disrupting his Monday schedule. There was a van at the orthopedic office that tried to “block reporters and photographers from seeing Mr. Biden as he entered the doctor’s office,” according to The New York Times.

Biden suffered the injury while playing with his dog Major, who is a German Shepard that the Bidens adopted in 2018. The family has another dog — a German shepherd named Champ. The family plans to get a cat when they move into the White House, too.

Seriously, a guy that never left his basement for so many months, showed signs of dementia, and now broke his foot playing with his dog, and this is who we want to be running our country?

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Biden Breaks Foot Playing With His Dog! - BFritz21 - 11-30-2020, 10:14 PM

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