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Do You Think the Brown Family Feels Embarrassed?
One thing I've learned in life is that trying to read other peoples' minds is a losing proposition.

But having said that, I think the psychology of somebody in their position is most likely to blow up their accomplishments and minimize their failures. Like, "well we had a few championship calibre teams under Marvin, but we got unlucky in the first round, as happens in football." And "sure we've had some epically bad seasons, but so do some other teams [Lions for instance], and that's because at the time we didn't know X. And now we've figured out X so the road to winning is just around the corner."

Like they look at AZ and say to themselves, "their history of success isn't much better than ours, but they hit on the right QB and the right coach and whiz-bang, look at them now. So we're really just a few key ingredients away." And they're probably very worried they made the wrong decision in Zac, but knowing they have their QB in place re-assures them the puzzle is half complete.

As for whether they "feel embarrassed," well that's impossible to say. I'm just trying to speculate what somebody in a leadership position says to themselves when things aren't going well.

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RE: Do You Think the Brown Family Feels Embarrassed? - Geno_Can_Dunk - 12-05-2020, 01:31 PM

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