Poll: Should an investigation of the prior administration occur?
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Investigating the prior administration
(12-11-2020, 01:43 PM)Benton Wrote: Aren't all administrations investigated, at least superficially?

I think the question is "Now that he is out of power is it worth the trouble?".

Some would say it is better to just move on and try to put the "Trump Show" behind us.  I can understand that up to a point, but.  .  .  

1.  I am afraid Trump will not fade into the background like many ex-presidents do when they leave office.  In fact I thiunk he will work twice as hard to stir the shit now that he has lost the spotlight and pulpit of the Presidency.  So if he continues to try and exert power over policy decisions in mym mind that would mean we should continue to press the investigations of any illegal activity.

2.  It also depends on how serious the charges are.  It would probably be better to let minor abuses of power slide.  If not then they are just giving Trump more ability to "play the victim".  But if it is serious stuff or any type of illegal activity then it needs to be fully invetsigated

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RE: Investigating the prior administration - fredtoast - 12-11-2020, 02:08 PM

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