Poll: Should an investigation of the prior administration occur?
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Investigating the prior administration
Just to add a twist here:

Trump wants a special counsel named to investigate Hunter Biden.

Hunter is already under some form of investigation about a 2014 payment that was not amended to his taxes in 2017.

Given that his father with be POTUS in a few weeks normally such a call could be seen as avoiding any ethical problems for Joe Biden once he takes office.  But this is Trump.  More than likely, based on how he has acted and spoken for 50 years, it is more likely to be a malicious attempt to "get back" at Biden for beating him in the election.

For those who fear for the sanctity of the office if Biden looked into anything at all that Trump and his family and cronies may have done illegally....are you okay with this?
[Image: giphy.gif]
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RE: Investigating the prior administration - GMDino - 12-17-2020, 09:57 AM

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