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Have You Ever Had a Paranormal Experience?

My brother and I saw a confederate soldier ghost rise up out of the surf on a South Carolina beach late at night (we ran all the way back to the villa where our family was staying on vacation).

Angels visited me twice at a convenience store where I worked, once trying to appear as a trades worker guy (his jeans and jean jacket were too new-looking and you could see infinity in his eyes through his aviator rim glasses), The second time it was a blonde, middle aged woman in bright violet festive wear on Christmas eve when I was ticked about having to work. They were both giving me messages of hope and let me know how much I was loved.

More recently, my dad's spirit causes mini-calamities like how he shut my bedroom door on what would have been his birthday. When my mom was alive and we went driving somewhere once, we could sense my grandfather's distinct scent of pipe tobacco mixed with Old Spice. So, we knew he was around. And my mother herself sometimes shows up in my dreams to show me stuff and tell me stuff. She usually appears as she did when I was a little kid and she was in her early 30s.

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RE: Have You Ever Had a Paranormal Experience? - WiregrassBenGal - 12-20-2020, 09:35 AM

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