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McConnell shutting down higher stimulus checks?
(01-04-2021, 09:42 PM)michaelsean Wrote: Stole it?  Let’s be a little objective. It’s not like it passed and then he pulled it back. If the Dems wanted $2500 and he said $2000 then did he steal $500?  Or the Republicans as a whole. Why is one half of Congress proposal the real one?

In terms of Democrat and Republican voters, the increase to 2000 dollars was incredibly popular. It had the support of the majority, if not all, of the Democratic Senators and enough Republican senators that it would have likely passed if taken to a vote. Multiple Republican Senators said they supported the 2000 dollar checks (the two Georgians and Josh Hawley at the very least, which is all it would have taken to pass it). And that's not even counting the Republican senators that just do whatever Trump says because they're afraid of losing his voting base.

But McConnell denied the bill to even get a vote because he knew that Republicans would vote against it at a significantly higher clip than Democrats (if Democrats voted against it at all) and that would be VERY bad for the Georgia run offs and possibly their re-election efforts down the line. The two Georgian Republicans only said they support it because they knew it would be incredibly unpopular and political suicide to say "no I don't want you Americans to get more aid" right before they're up for re-election.

So yea...He basically stole it. You can say he "denied" it or he "shut it down" if you'd like but it's a virtual certainty that, if not for a guy named Mitch McConnell, the stimulus checks entering people's bank accounts this month would be 2000 dollars, not 600 dollars. So I lay the blame at his feet.

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RE: McConnell shutting down higher stimulus checks? - CJD - 01-05-2021, 01:08 AM

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