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Donald Trump's next book:How To Destroy The Republican Party In Only Four Years
Ossoff and Perdue will most likely go to a recount but it looks like Trump has finally exhausted American's patience with the Republicans.
Republican President
Republican Senate
Republican House

2018 Election
Democrats win back the House
Republicans gain seats in the Senate

2020 Election
Democrats win the Presidency
Republicans gain seats in the House, Democrats still hold the majority
Democrats win the Senate with Kamala Harris more or less serving as the 101st Senator

What could have led to this dramatic change in such a short time?
Alienating our Allies
Coddling up to dictators including some that are sworn enemies of the USA . . . Love letters?
Not one word criticizing Putin or his actions
Helsinki - International embarrassment
Tax cuts for the rich
Devin Nunes
THE CONSTANT LYING - pick a topic
Gives classified info to the Russians about ISIS forcing some US Allies to pull agents from the field before being exposed
Obstruction of justice
Shithole countries
Steven Miller
Too thin skinned to attend the annual White House Correspondents Dinner - Not a controversy but shows he has no sense of humor
Pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement
Pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Deal
Terrified of releasing his tax returns because they will expose him as a fraud
Rudy Giuliani
We should be seeing his Healthcare Plan in a couple of weeks, if not then maybe a couple more weeks etc.. etc..
Placing Kushner in charge of almost everything
Placing cronies in the EPA
Changing a DHS report making the white supremacist threat look less severe, added in false info that Antifa and BLM are bigger threats
Lindsey Graham
The tweets
Children in cages
Good people on both sides
Forcing a trade war that has hurt Americans more than help them
William Barr
FAKE NEWS! - especially rich coming from possibly the biggest liar in history
Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV and from what my sources tell me, you get extra points if you get all five!
Pardoning war criminals and his accomplices
Eliminating the Pandemic response team
Mitch McConnell
Partisan defeat of an Impeachment trial with no evidence admitted or witnesses allowed to testify
Response to the George Floyd murder by Police Officers
Misrepresenting the deadliness of Covid because he was more concerned about the stock market than the safety of the American people
Ron Johnson
Openly defying and undermining scientists and doctors because he felt that their messages would hurt his election chances
Those ridiculous Covid press conferences, injecting bleach/light in the body
Louis DeJoy
Being a drama queen since the election loss
Attacks on Democracy
Four Seasons Landscaping
The phone call to Brad Raffensperger and the apparently well named Ryan Germany

Please feel free to add any that I missed

Before blaming Democrats for your problems, take a look at what Republicans have done, or more importantly HAVEN'T done, in the last four years. If more of them had stood up to that illiterate buffoon, they might still hold congress. Democrats be careful. Don't get caught up in the afterglow like 2008. We Independents and the Anti-Trump Republicans put you in power for now. Don't **** this up. "America is self correcting" is something I heard from a Brit after Trump was elected. It can all change for you again in two years just like it did in 2010.
Only users lose drugs.

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Donald Trump's next book:How To Destroy The Republican Party In Only Four Years - Forever Spinning Vinyl - 01-06-2021, 07:07 AM

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