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Donald Trump's next book:How To Destroy The Republican Party In Only Four Years
When you build your entire philosophy out of ruining your opponents (owning the libs), but leave out any policy or laws that would own said libs, your party will collapse eventually.

It just took a guy saying it out loud repeatedly and to the fanfare of maniacs before the "normal" people who voted for Republicans realized "oh wow...this party doesn't believe in conservatism. They are just an opposition party constructed to slow government down to a crawl for no reason other than to piss the opposition party off...Maybe I'll sit this election out until they get their shit together."

I do think those "normal" Republicans are primed and ready to rejoin the party if the McConnell side beats the Trump side into submission though. 

Only time will tell.

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RE: Donald Trump's next book:How To Destroy The Republican Party In Only Four Years - CJD - 01-06-2021, 10:01 AM

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