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Do you believe in magic...and curses?
(01-05-2021, 03:34 PM)JWW1971 Wrote: I blame Woody

Which Woody we talking about?

[Image: woody-hayes-1.jpg]

[Image: MV5BMTU3NDc2ODc4MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODk2...17_AL_.jpg]


[Image: Woody+the+Cowboy+%25284%2529.jpg]

I'd argue all bear some responsibility for the Bengals' fate.
“We're 2-7!  What the **** difference does it make?!” - Bruce Coslet

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RE: Do you believe in magic...and curses? - Awful Llama - 01-07-2021, 10:05 PM

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