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Impeachmen' 2: Electoral Boogaloo
I think there's a fair chance this is only done so that it "Binds up" Trump's time so he doesn't have the time to do any more damage to our democracy. I don't think they really have time to do it, especially in the Senate, where they will have to convince at least 16 Republicans to flip (depending on when the two Georgia Democrats are seated. If that doesn't happen until after Jan 20, then they need 18 Republicans to flip).

If Trump is stuck dealing with an impeachment, maybe he doesn't have time to incite another insurrection attempt.

I just worry about the political capital that Democrats are expending to get this done. For example, Josh Hawley was originally pro-bigger stimulus checks (I believe he paired with Bernie to get the 600 up to 1200 back before the stimulus passed). Does going through with this vote mean that he will no longer vote for ending the inevitable filibuster on a larger stimulus bill? I don't know.

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RE: Impeachmen' 2: Electric Boogaloo - CJD - 01-11-2021, 01:53 PM

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