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Anyone ever not want to change because of the people you would be associated with?
(01-15-2021, 02:00 PM)Mer Wrote: I think the "Defund the Police Crowd" have it totally wrong. I do believe some type of reform is needed but not defunding them. I actually think more money should be allocated to the police for training and therapy. Now if I'm wrong and someone knows more about this please KINDLY let me know. I don't think police have any type of institution that follows them around. For instance, teachers and nurses have a board that keeps track records on what they've done. So therefore they can't do something terribly wrong in one state and just move to another and get a new job without their record following them. I've heard that police officers can move without their record following them to a new force in a new state. Again, I'm not completely sure if that's true but I'd appreciate it if someone here that has more knowledge on the subject would enlighten me.

I agree. If we believe that there is an issue with our police force, taking money away from them only serves to exacerbate the problem. They need better training and that requires more money.

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RE: Anyone ever not want to change because of the people you would be associated with? - KillerGoose - 01-15-2021, 02:19 PM

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