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Police Use Assault Rifles to Stop a Suicidal Man
  In a phone interview with Commander Chuck Mulligan of the St. Johns County Sheriff's Office, The Daily Beast asked if it was standard procedure to bring assault rifles, but not mental-health professionals, to a scene where someone is suicidal.

  “If the deputies feel that that is the appropriate weapon system to use, then yes,” said Mulligan.

  If the deputies used tasers and one prong missed, Mulligan said, they might be left in a difficult and potentially     dangerous situation.

  “They were in a very tight space within a residence,” he said.

They're idiots. I'm not sure the model of assault rifle they used, but assault rifles have superior accuracy and stopping power at longer ranges thanks in part to their longer barrels compared to handgun carried by police officers. You lose that advantage in a CQB situation. A handgun is easier to use in "a tight space."  A revolver would decrease the chance of stoppage compared to a magazine fed weapon. Really no reason to use an assault rifle and the department should have an SOP on their use. 

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RE: Police Use Assault Rifles to Stop a Suicidal Man - oncemoreuntothejimbreech - 06-02-2015, 01:13 AM

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