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Biden Admin/117th Congress Gun Control
(02-16-2021, 08:31 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Now, the Biden administration didn't come out swinging right away on gun control, but over the weekend there was a statement from Biden on the anniversary of the Parkland shooting that was, for lack of a better term, a shot across the bow for the 2A community.

This caused quite the stir in the firearms community, of course, especially given the filing of H.R. 127 earlier in the year which is a horrendous bill.

I'm not as in a tizzy about it as other firearms owners. First, the legislative filibuster would still be in play for this. Second, if no Republicans are moved on the issue it will never pass because of Manchin, who is very pro-2A. But, this does highlight where the administration is going to be heading on things. H.R. 127 doesn't concern me as much as it did a lot of others because, let's be honest, a lot of the stuff in there is a no-go for even most Democrats. That bill really is abysmally awful.

Anyway, I know I'm a more pro-gun lefty than most on here, but let's talk about these ideas. What are your thoughts on this?

Edit: I wanted to note, also, that all of the gun control bills that have been introduced have a prognosis in the single digits according to GovTrack which I checked after posting this thread, so I'm not just prognosticating on my own, here.

I kind of hope Biden does throw out some executive orders on gun control so a lawsuit can be fast tracked to SCOTUS.  My biggest issue with gun control groups and their Dem sympathizers is their entire argument is both an appeal to emotion and based on lies.

You'll frequently hear them say that ~36k people a year are killed by gun violence.  They always fail to mention that over two thirds of those are suicides, so not gun violence.  But the biggest issue is that their stated goal and their subsequent targets don't jive.  Handguns account for the vast, vast majority of actual gun violence.  And while California has backdoor banned many handguns (I still can't believe that bullshit law is on the books) with their approved roster, you never see new gun laws that actually attempt to prohibit the sale of handguns, with the exception of the inane "smart gun" legislation that keeps popping up every few years.  So instead they go for "assault weapons", which account for minimal deaths every year, under a 100.  They go after magazine capacity, which in no way reduces a weapons lethality.  They try and tie gun ownership up in as much red tape and fees as they can.  Lastly, they never, ever talk about the fact that the vast majority of gun related deaths are criminals killing other criminals, because in so doing they'd have to acknowledge that the US doesn't have a gun violence problem so much as it has a gang violence problem.

As has already been pointed out this is just a wedge issue to gin up votes and enthusiasm.

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RE: Biden Admin/117th Congress Gun Control - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 02-16-2021, 12:55 PM

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