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Biden Admin/117th Congress Gun Control
Pandora's Bunker was opened a long time ago and you can acquire darned near anything you want out there. Gun control legislation will only perpetuate the demand and create a lot of new gunsmiths, right now. Duty to retreat was just removed from the lawbooks here in Ohio and they are pushing to make Ohio a 2A Sanctuary State. On a personal level, I have no issue with someone being required to take a basic safety course. I do agree that we need to do something to protect our children in schools, but I don't have the answer. Maybe we ask Veterans to volunteer to be evaluated and let them provide security ? I do support the idea of addressing mental health issues and increasing the punishment dealt out to those who commit crimes with firearms. If they continue to beat the "assault weapon" and high capacity magazine drum hard again, it will be throwing gasoline onto the fire and create a real insurrection. Now is not the time to push such a thing. The shelves are already emptied of ammunition and people are on edge. Let's wait a year until trying to force something through, allowing for cooler heads to be in the conversation.

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RE: Biden Admin/117th Congress Gun Control - Rotobeast - 02-16-2021, 12:56 PM

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