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Biden Admin/117th Congress Gun Control
I don't think we can ever put the genie back in the bottle unfortunately on guns and their prevalence in the country. I may be in a minority as I actually think background checks do very little in terms of preventing things as the sheer flood of weapons out there is part of that genie that can't be put back. In terms of school shootings, where I do a lot more work, most of these weapons are taken from people who did legally purchase the guns and would have passed a background check.

For me, I think it's about accountability. If you want to poses these items then you are accepting the responsibility that comes with owning them. Failure to report a lost or stolen gun should be nationwide and it should be a felony, not a misdemeanor. If your gun is used in a crime, and you failed to report it lost or stolen, you should be charged with a felony on top of the failure to report. If your gun is obtained by a minor and used to hurt themselves or someone else, you should be charged with a felony.

Going this route still lets the enthusiasts have whatever kind, whatever capacity, and whatever amount they long as they want to carry the responsibility for them. I think it allows responsible gun owners to continue exercising their rights and punished the irresponsible gun owners, the people even responsible gun owners hate.

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RE: Biden Admin/117th Congress Gun Control - Au165 - 02-22-2021, 09:34 AM

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