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Photo Exposes Police Cover-up of the Fatal Shooting of Jermaine McBean
Black man carrying what looks like a gun? Call 911...shoot first and ask questions later.

Just an isolated incident...nothing to see here.


Quote:A newly surfaced photo of 33-year-old Jermaine McBean as he lay dying shows that he was wearing earbuds at the time of the shooting. Police claim the earbuds were in McBean’s pocket and said there was no reason to believe he did not hear their orders.


Fort Lauderdale – On July 13, 2013 after Florida police shot 33-year-old information-technology specialist Jermaine McBean to death as he walked home with an unloaded BB gun he had just purchased, they claimed there was no reason to believe McBean did not hear their orders to drop the weapon and that he had actually pointed it at them, so they fired shots. Both of those claims are lies.

The newly emerged photo shows earbuds in McBean’s ears immediately after the 2013 shooting proving the police version of events were part of a murder cover-up.

The witness who took the photo, a nurse who asked to remain anonymous, says she pointed out the earbuds to police at the scene, after they refused her offer to provide first aid to the dying man.

Another aspect of the fabricated police account is the claim that McBean pointed the BB Gun at the officers is being contradicted by the man who called 911 when he saw McBean walking around with the air rifle and later witnessed his death, who says McBean never pointed it at police or anyone else.

Michael Russell McCarthy, 58, told NBC News that McBean had the Air Rifle balanced on his shoulders behind his neck, with his hand over both ends, and was turning around to face police when one officer began shooting.

McCarthy continued “He [McBean] couldn’t have fired that gun from the position he was in. There was no possible way of firing it and at the same time hitting something,” “I kind of blame myself, because if I hadn’t called it might not have happened.”

McCarthy said he was in his car at a red light when McBean crossed the street in front of him, at a distance of six to eight feet, with the rifle.

“He had a white plastic bag around the center of it, but the barrel was sticking out one end and the stock was sticking out the other end,” he said. “It was obvious it was a rifle. To be honest with you, the gun was painted camo but I wasn’t sure if it was a fake gun or a BB gun.

“He changed his position two, three times, mainly just walking down the street with it. First thing I thought was this guy is going to kill someone.”

McCarthy called 911 and the tapes show he told the dispatcher, with urgency and alarm in his voice, that it looked like a .22 caliber rifle or a pellet gun. “I will say this: He’s not like acting crazy or aggressive with it, he’s not shaking it or nothing,” he told them. “I’m not going to say he’s waving it, he’s just walking along with it.”

Two other people also called 911. One of them, a woman, said: “He’s carrying what looks like some sort of BB gun, shotgun, I don’t know what it is [but]it’s camouflaged, and he’s screaming really loud to himself. It could be a fake gun, but it looks like it could be real, too.”

“I was highly upset,” McBean’s mother, Jennifer Young, said of the moment she learned about the photo. “I said, ‘They lied to me. What else have they lied about?'”

The family explained that McBean always has earbuds on when he is out walking. The homicide detective who led the police departments internal review had told the McBean family that the earbuds were found in McBeans pocket, with his phone, at the hospital.


While McCarthy was still on the phone, he saw McBean turn into an apartment complex. He said “cops came flying by” and he followed the last car onto the grounds.

Looking out his passenger window, he said, he could see officers corralling residents away from a pool off to the right and three officers moving in on McBean. Then he heard three shots.

“Bam. Bam. Bam,” he said.

“He [McBean] dropped to the ground, the rifle bounced off the ground and I was sitting in my truck going, ‘What the hell is this!'” he added.

“They all converged over the top of him and it looked like he was having a convulsion. You could tell he was in serious pain.”

McCarthy told police the “rifle was still on the subject’s shoulders” when the gunshots rang out, a different sheriff’s report confirms.

“They could have just tackled him, or just tased him. Why shoot him three times?” Alfred Mc Bean said. “Criminal charges need to be filed.”

His mother agreed.

“He’s very missed, he was very loved and he was a loving and caring person himself,” she said. “I can’t wait to get justice for him.”

McBean, who had two degrees from Pace University in New York, worked in information technology at a Fort Lauderdale ad agency, servicing the company’s computers. He wore his earbuds to listen to music, and to handle service calls, family said. He did not have a criminal record, according to Schoen and to a search of public records.

A transcript shows that Deputy Peter Peraza, who fired the fatal shots, repeatedly told sheriff’s investigators that he did not see anything in McBean’s ears.

Peraza said that he fired his service weapon after McBean “pulled the weapon up over his head and grabbed it and started to turn and point it at us.”

“I felt like my life was threatened. I had that feeling like if I would not go home that day,””I felt like I could’ve been killed. My sergeant could’ve been killed. He could’ve shot somebody in the pool area. So as soon as he did turn and point his weapon at us, that’s when I fired my duty weapon.”

Another officer at the scene, Sgt. Richard LaCerra, told investigators that McBean “spun around” and brought the rifle over his shoulders. “I thought at that point and time he was gonna swing and point the rifle at us,” he said. “And the next thing I know there was gunshots.”

LaCerra said that after McBean fell, the wounded man said to him, “It was just a BB gun.”

Even if you believe the police...who we now can see were lying...once it was discovered it was an unloaded air gun why would anyone believe he deliberately didn't listen and then POINTED it at officers?!?!
[Image: giphy.gif]
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Photo Exposes Police Cover-up of the Fatal Shooting of Jermaine McBean - GMDino - 06-02-2015, 07:47 AM

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