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You Guys are A Bunch of Babies
(04-29-2017, 01:38 PM)YsCascadia Wrote: 1.   Sure give him a pass for being 18 and drunk.... she was also young and drunk, but let's ignore that.  However, I do agree with this point, it is even more noticeable now that we have a star athlete get drafted after this incident.

2.  You are victim blaming. Period.  I agree about the issues of "equal rights" being stupid and unsustainable, if you treat women as equal that has to apply all across, if not, then you have to protect them.  However, HE started this, he made sexual comments toward her, he got turned down and started to harass her.  He blocked her exit at the cafe booth and you think she just started hitting him for no reason.  That doesn't compute.

3.  I agree with this.  They both have agreed to try to move on.  We should too.  I refuse to support him, but I will not call for his head either.

4.  Fans that don't like the pick are one thing.  The issue are the fans that are rationalizing the pick and giving this person a pass by victim blaming, all because of his talent.  If he were mediocre then these same fans would be angry and upset that he did what he did.  Saying that "She struck first, she called him a slur, she started it" all while ignoring that he and his buddies approached her and made advances to her, his buddies walked away, but he didn't.  Then people bring up the alcohol for him while ignoring the alcohol for her.

Bottom Line:  For me, I am boycotting the team as long as he is a player for us.  I won't attend games, buy merchandise or care what our record is.  We win the SB with him, I will add an * to it.  That is just me and I don't expect anyone else to follow.  I will still come to the boards though.

You forgive people that repent. You do not forgive people that repeat. He has repented. Both he and she have made peace. He has stayed clean since.

She also bears responsibility in this confrontation. It was not one sided. She did not back off, she did not seek assistance from others because she was scared. She moved into him, pushed him, and struck him first. So she could have handled it differently as well. She is not an innocent victim. She got the worse end of the confrontation, but she also escalated it instead of trying to diffuse it. They both share blame. I will not hang him for that as long as he does not repeat anything near that action.

Messages In This Thread
RE: You Guys are A Bunch of Babies - McC - 04-29-2017, 11:04 AM
RE: You Guys are A Bunch of Babies - Beaker - 04-29-2017, 01:50 PM
RE: You Guys are A Bunch of Babies - Steve - 04-29-2017, 11:22 AM
RE: You Guys are A Bunch of Babies - Steve - 04-29-2017, 12:56 PM
RE: You Guys are A Bunch of Babies - Steve - 04-29-2017, 11:29 AM
RE: You Guys are A Bunch of Babies - Steve - 04-29-2017, 12:45 PM

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