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"Insanity is doing the same.." -Carlos Dunlap
Great callout. The crutch of this lame cliche has always been a bit much. It actually doesn't make a lick of sense. In sports, doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results, is the very definition of practice makes perfect. 

I'm sure Carlos knows this too. The team could have been perfectly executing whatever was practiced all week and called in-game, but if it wasn't working, it would be insane at that point not to actually change it up. 

But the end of this entire parlor game of why couldn't the Bengals get any pressure on Pig Ben really lies in what a few others have already so brilliantly pointed out: 

There is blatant bias when it comes to officiating this game every year, particularly in regards to holding. The legend of Shittsburgh, left armpit of America, must be upheld at all costs! The Bengals must not be allowed to escape alive with a win. It's always going to be a turkey shoot.

What IS  the definition of insanity is thinking that a line-up that includes all world Geno Atkins, and no slouches either in Dunlap, Lawson, Willis, and Hubbard +, can't get through even once?!?! Somebody on here has already done a public service by taking the official game highlights and highlighted exactly where egregious no-calls were made all throughout the game, and that's only over a 12 minute edit. 

It's a joke that has fallen flat too often for me now. Anyone that says it happens on both sides, or that we should overcome it, is a lazy dotard, and certainly not paying attention. It's been pointed out on here plenty times before that most games/teams in the NFL on any given Sunday are built and play close to parity. 

Fred Toast has posted the Bengals winning % and Shittsburgh winning % against other teams since the Dalton era, and they're damn near identical. The rub is that we're on the losing end of an 80/20 split with them head-to-head. The question was why do they dominate us like that?...Because the league and Roger Goodell's piss colored parachute allows them too - plain and pathetically simple. 

We shouldn't have to play perfect ball and pretend to have a perfect coach to walk away with let's say just 40% of the games against this team. What are we, like 3 out of 15 since 2011?...Slide 4 more wins our way and it's practically even.  The majority of you all here on the hallowed forums don't think that there's enough lopsided influential no-calls/horrendous do-calls/and screwy shite that goes down with the scheduling/suspensions to manifest a couple neanderthal thumbs on the scales to tip a few games in favor of one piss leafed golden child over an otherwise pretty evenly performing orange headed step child across the last 7+ years? Of course there has been. It's beyond obvious. 

Get out of here with the, "AJ and Core should have caught all the balls in the rain...We had to go for it on 4th and 1...Ben's shirt doesn't need a tide pod..." It's amazing how close you can keep a game and steal it by a score or so when you don't have to play by the same rules. 4 quarters of hall-of-fame holding and 10 seconds of pick-and-roll will do that.  

I know it doesn't feel good to point a finger. I've got a big middle one for the league and those Gooney's up river. I stopped watching WWE as a teenager, but I doubt I'll stop watching the NFL anytime soon (though I've surprised myself letting MLB slip through my heart, not with a loud pouting walk-off, but with an almost indifferent shrug when it became obvious that fair competition isn't what drives that sport anymore either.)

If you're an action-oriented person, and I'm hoping I still am, the best thing I can imagine to do is to take all this amazing energy on these boards and start standing up for ourselves in the national outlets. Get our own set of talking points and take it too them. And also seek solidarity with other teams that get shat on by these preferred leeches. Other teams' fans have to notice the con job that happens to their teams too in favor of a few select teams and narratives. Would you say there's at least 15 teams out there that have no real influence or consideration when they come up against the League's pre-selected shield? Get that ball rolling with half the teams' and their supporters, and there's an outside chance that a tipping point of pent-up disgust could change something, or it could be all fantasy football (grow up) from here on out. 

Anyway - Carlos is most likely not impressed with the Austin's scheme by those comments. I'm not impressed with how Vince McMahon finally got his greasy grease all over the real NFL, and I hope Roger and the Rooneys are impressed with a racketeering charge in my lifetime. 

Now let's all go crazy, and repeat this over and over again. 

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RE: "Insanity is doing the same.." -Carlos Dunlap - The Gooney Rule - 10-17-2018, 07:48 PM

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