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The death of P&R and what it says about where we are.
It's difficult to deny that this subform has been dying a slow death for the last 6 months or so.

It's not for lack of relevant topics.

We're as close to WW3 as we've been since the 1980's. We have a president that barely keeping his shit together if at all. We have two candidates opposing him that are quite possibly as authoritarian as we've ever seen in this country. Shifts in law and public discourse have been seismic.

Still, crickets here, for the most part.

This is a bad symptom, IMO.

To me it's a sign that we've all accepted reality. Both sides are dug in so deep that there will be zero chance of compromise for the foreseeable future. People would rather see the country die a slow, painful death than see the other side get credit for keeping it alive.

Good shit, people. We all get what we deserve in the end.

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The death of P&R and what it says about where we are. - samhain - 03-04-2023, 09:57 PM

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