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Coronavirus Information...who do you trust?
I don't think it can be understated just how much of a role the media has played in creating some of the confusion, distrust, skepticism, etc. I've known for awhile now that they've become more and more focused on views and clicks and less and less on delivering the actual news. But it's really been on display these past 18 months.

A couple of days ago I was on Yahoo and came across two articles about the Delta Varient in Israel. I read the first one in the morning. It was doom and gloom and the headline was something like "Why Covid in Israel Spells Disaster for US." The gist of the article was that even though 80% of Israel is vaccinated, and a high percentage of those have been vaccinated for some time now, the Delta Varient is reeking havoc on the country, and cases were higher than they were pre-vaccine.

Not but 4 hours later I came across another article on Yahoo, linked from the same publication as the previous one, with a headline that said something like "Israel Shows Vaccines Work". This article was largely the same as the previous one (a lot of the same numbers shared, same subject matter, etc.) but with a twist. The takeaway from this was that depsite a lot of cases occuring in Israel very few were dying.

So, if you just read article number one or you just saw the headline you'd come away thinking things are going to get very bad and even if you're vaccinated you're not safe. You'd most likley be a little scared. But if you read only the 2nd article, you'd come away thinking the vaccine will most likely protect you and you need not worry so much about the total cases. And if you read both articles like me, you'd be left wondering "what in the hell is going on here?"

This is really just one example. I've seen so many. I remember reading similar to things when Delta first showed up in the UK. One article would be doom and gloom (Delta is deadlier, Delta is more contagious) while another would be more hopeful (While Delta is more contangious,it is less deadly, and Delta cases in the UK are already going down.)

You couple all of these conflicting reports that are occuring in real-time with the messages that seem to change from month to month and it's hard to know who or what to believe. Our own leadership here hasn't exactly been the most consistent in their messaging either.

Fwiw, I got the vaccine as soon as I could. I've pretty much quarantined the best I've could throughout the past year limiting trips to Kroger and a couple of other errands. I'd rather be safe than sorry. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand some of those who are skeptical of a lot of things we read or hear. This has been an absolute shit-show from the very start. I can definitely understand not trusting anyone at this point. Either some of the world's leaders and experts have lied from time to time, or they haven't been totally honest or upfront, or they're not nearly as smart as we thought they were. Take your pick.

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RE: Coronavirus Information...who do you trust? - Wes Mantooth - 08-26-2021, 11:28 AM

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