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Russia begins moving troops into eastern Ukraine
(02-24-2022, 06:18 PM)Au165 Wrote: This is actually an interesting angle to this, how does a war of aggression play out in modern times with social media. The people of Russia will be the ones harmed by sanctions but obviously the powerful there, and in most places here included, don't really worry too much about that. The question is extremism and how that plays. Ukraine is not all that separated from Russia to believe that Ukraine sympathizers/Putin haters wouldn't begin some sort of ops inside of Russian borders to create havoc. 

I honestly think there are two outcomes here, both with Russia overtaking Ukraine quickly. The first is a blitzkrieg style overtaking of the country and then installing their own puppet government so they can stay with the narrative of "operation" and removing "Nazisim" from their government. They then back out as part of "negotiations" and die on the hill of self defense and see if they can mitigate sanctions while still advancing their agenda. The other scarier option is that they simply use Ukraine as the jumping off point to quickly sweep up other former Soviet states. The one that looks most ripe for the taking is Moldova who actually has a similar separatist area like Ukraine that would allow Russia to use the same pretext to move in.

I guarantee you the Baltic states are shitting bricks right now.  Putin has a hard on for them and they absolutely despise the Russians. 

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RE: Russia begins moving troops into eastern Ukraine - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 02-24-2022, 06:23 PM

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