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Any Ideas for a BOLD move that could set the Bengals up for Greater Success ?
The original post asked for a bold move, and I am about to relate to you the boldest of them all - moves - in fact.

My idea is the Dancing Man in Motion. Now we all know that it cannot be Dancing Men in Motion. That would get flagged. This is a solo act, in motion, behind and parallel to the line of scrimmage.

Now I know what you are thinking: Moonwalk, Running Man, the Griddy? Those are all fine suggestions and prove that you are getting the concept, but the set purpose of the Dancing Man is three-fold.

Firstly, it is to get attention. This must be eye catching performance each time. Even the quarteback must be drawn to the spectacle. While it may be too much to ask for a world premier on all occasions, a little creativity goes a long ways. Not only is the defense watching, but this play must be the most watched highlight of the entire week.

Now that you've got their attention, the quarterback begins his cadence, "Hup, hup, get down with the get down, hup" [SNAP]

Lastly, the purpose of the Dancing Man is to score a touchdown. Sadly, the Dancing Man will not score a touchdown for three straight weeks.

The runningback runs away from the Dancing Man, fast as he can. The quarterback throws away from the Dancing Man, quick as a wink. The quarterback sails a pass, well beyond the Dancing Man's reach to the streaking receiver far ahead of him.

Finally, in week four of dancing season, just when the audience becoming bored with the Dancing Man, just as the Dancing Man might be desondent, he turns his dancing up field, catches a pass in perfect rhythm, and dances straight into the endzone!

Now, I know the guys like to dance, but this will take planning. They might want to hire choreographers. They might want to draft based on dance abilities. Since it's my idea, I think I should get first dibs as Bengals Dance Coordinator. That is, if Mr. Brown's not too cheap to afford me, but I think we all know his history.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Any Ideas for a BOLD move that could set the Bengals up for Greater Success ? - Doin the Shuffle - 01-11-2024, 05:50 PM

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