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Greatest Movie Quotes ever - Printable Version

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RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - samhain - 10-10-2015

"Smells like they're cookin' a goddamned cat over there!". Bruce Dern, "The Burbs"

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - jfkbengals - 10-11-2015

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning"

-Apocalypse Now

"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue"


RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - jfkbengals - 10-11-2015

"I am your father!"

-The Empire Strikes Back

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - jfkbengals - 10-11-2015

"How you get fired on your day off?"

"You got knocked the f@&k out!"


RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - jfkbengals - 10-11-2015

"I'm not gonna fall for the banana in the tail pipe"

-Beverly Hills Cop

"It's a cinderella story from the middle of nowhere"

- Caddyshack

"I french kiss"
"So, everyone does that"
"But my dad says I'm the best"

- National Lampoon's Vacation

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - jfkbengals - 10-11-2015

"And she showed me her boobies and I liked them too!"

- Bobby Boucher

"Guy likes to see ***** naked.  Don't help me"

- Joe Dirt

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - xxlt - 10-11-2015

I Heart Huckabees

"Where is your pure being now?" - Caterine Vauban

"How come we only ask ourselves the really big questions when something bad happens?" - Tommy Corn

"God gave us oil! He gave it to us! How can God's gift be bad?!" (-Mr. Hooten)
"I don't know. He gave you a brain too, and you messed that up pretty damned good." -Tommy Corn

The Big Lebowski:

"**** it Dude, let's go bowling." - Walter Sobchak

"Also, Dude, 'Chinaman' is not the proper nomenclature. Asian-American." - Walter Sobchak

"...say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism - at least its an ethos." - Walter Sobchak

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - jfkbengals - 10-11-2015

Two other classics rom Joe Dirt:

"I'm your sister, I'm your sister"
"You're my sister!"


"I got the poo on me!"

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - xxlt - 10-11-2015

Another good one from Lebowski courtesy of the Malibu Sheriff:
"Jackie Treehorn draws a lot of water in this town. You don't draw shit Lebowski."

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - jfkbengals - 10-11-2015

"Gimme a liter of cola..."

"I swear I'm gonna pistol whip the next guy who says 'shenanigans'"
"Hey Farvre, what's that restaurant you like with all the goofy shit on the walls?"

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - jfkbengals - 10-11-2015

"It's good to be da King"

-History of the World, Part 1

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - XenoMorph - 10-13-2015

"Put the Glasses ON!!!!"

J.P. Monroe: Jesus Christ!
Pinhead: Not quite.

John Merchant: For God's sake!
Pinhead: Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?

Pinhead: Your suffering will be legendary, even in hell!

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - Devils Advocate - 10-14-2015

(05-15-2015, 07:29 AM)Interceptor Wrote: Vinny Gambini: [Vinny is the lawyer, but Stan thinks he is there to sodomize him] Look, it's either me or them. You're gettin' ***** one way or the other.
[Stan tries to get up]
Vinny Gambini: Hey, relax, I'm gonna help you.
Stan: Gee thanks.
Vinny Gambini: Excuse me, I think a modicum of gratitude would not be out of line here.
Stan: You think I should be grateful?
Vinny Gambini: Yeah, it's your ass, not mine. I think you should be grateful. I think you should be down on your ******' knees.
Stan: I didn't know it was such an honor to get a visit from you.
Vinny Gambini: I'm doing a favor, you know. You're gettin' me for nothing, you little ****!
Stan: That's one hell of an ego you got.
Vinny Gambini: What the **** is your problem? I did not come down here just to get jerked off.
Stan: I'm not jerking you off. I'm not doing anything.
Vinny Gambini: That's it. You're on your own. I'll just take care of Sleeping Beauty.

I had to stop and give props here. I lol'd just reading it. One of the funniest scenes ever. 

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - Bengalzona - 10-14-2015

(05-15-2015, 03:46 AM)coachmcneil71 Wrote: "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?... The Outlaw Josey Wales

Josey Wales.."When I get to likin someone, they ain't around long.

Lone Watie.."I notice when you get to DISlikin' people they ain't around for long neither."

Bear Claw..."Skin that pilgrim and I'll get you another."..Jerimiah Johnson

Josey Wales - "Nag... nag... nag!"

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - Bengalzona - 10-14-2015

[Image: tumblr_nl9yi2QP1K1ti8cbto1_500.gif]

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - XenoMorph - 10-15-2015

I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do NOT wanna **** with me. Check it out! Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...


RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - fredtoast - 10-15-2015

(10-13-2015, 01:18 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: Pinhead: Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?

Epic line.

I actually had that in my sig at one time.

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - XenoMorph - 10-15-2015

(10-15-2015, 02:29 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Epic line.

I actually had that in my sig at one time.

the hellraiser series is probly my favorite "slasher" type flicks

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - xxlt - 10-15-2015

"My wife? Do you see a wedding ring? Does this place look like I'm married? The seat's up!"

"Obviously, you're not a golfer."

"At least I'm housebroken."

-Jeff Lebowski

RE: Greatest Movie Quotes ever - xxlt - 10-15-2015

McMurphy: Jesus, I mean, you guys do nothing but complain about how you can't stand it in this place here and you don't have the guts just to walk out? What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not! You're no crazier than the average asshole out walkin' around on the streets and that's it.

-(One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest)