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FALLOUT 76 (and series) - XenoMorph - 07-11-2018

New game Room   So new Shiny things...  Like Fallout 76

Large open world game 4x the size of Fallout 4s main map.

Online based survival game but with small servers so not tons of humans on each.

This is a big change from basically every other fallout game (except maybe tactics but I never got to play that one)

As it finally multiplayer.  But don't look at it like you typical fallout game its more in the survival aspect of game genre while in the fallout universe.

some good info in the Article.

Anyone else picking this up?   My power helmet is already preordered.

*I'm a huge fallout junkie with the Brotherhood of Steel symbol tattooed on my arm.

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - Millhouse - 07-11-2018

I'll watch it on Twitch when it releases, but no, not going to buy it at launch. Not a fan of those kind of games, and I would dread the plethora of issues this game will have on launch, from servers to gameplay.

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - XenoMorph - 07-12-2018

(07-11-2018, 06:30 PM)Millhouse Wrote: I'll watch it on Twitch when it releases, but no, not going to buy it at launch. Not a fan of those kind of games, and I would dread the plethora of issues this game will have on launch, from servers to gameplay.

I might have waited but I found a power helmet edition lol..  I know ill put at least 200 hours into this game so that wasn't to bad a price. (especially after they release the private servers)

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - Benton - 07-13-2018

Fallout is one of only two games that I've ever preordered, and likely would do it again. But I'm going to wait and see on this.

I've played since the first game (no, not Fallout 3, the old one back 30ish years ago), and before that (Wasteland). But I'm not a big fan of the multi-player aspect. I like the 'play, fail, reload and try again' of Fallout where I get to have the perfect Apocalypse. I like figuring out the puzzles without some ***hat in my way.

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - XenoMorph - 07-13-2018

(07-13-2018, 01:00 PM)Benton Wrote: Fallout is one of only two games that I've ever preordered, and likely would do it again. But I'm going to wait and see on this.

I've played since the first game (no, not Fallout 3, the old one back 30ish years ago), and before that (Wasteland). But I'm not a big fan of the multi-player aspect. I like the 'play, fail, reload and try again' of Fallout where I get to have the perfect Apocalypse. I like figuring out the puzzles without some ***hat in my way.

Yeah I feel you there is definite concern about the multiplayer in FO76.  But ill take the approach of not expecting my normal fallout experience.
I do have faith in Bethesda and ID software though... those are 2 of the few game makers I trust...  

And I too started on fallout 1 was back in the 90s...   Haven't played Wasteland yet but grabbed the xbox version of wasteland 2.

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - Benton - 07-13-2018

(07-13-2018, 01:05 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: Yeah I feel you there is definite concern about the multiplayer in FO76.  But ill take the approach of not expecting my normal fallout experience.
I do have faith in Bethesda and ID software though... those are 2 of the few game makers I trust...  

And I too started on fallout 1 was back in the 90s...   Haven't played Wasteland yet but grabbed the xbox version of wasteland 2.

Played two run throughs, will probably do a third before too long. It's not bad. There's a lot to do, but I felt there wasn't a ton of character development. To me, part of the fun has always been how choices impact your character, from creation through ending. Skimping on some abilities so you can carry more gear, becoming an adult film star, siding with ghouls lovers over people... you know, all the basic stuff. With Wasteland 2, it didn't seem to matter a ton on what you did, you were going toward the same ending anyway, it just changed a little on who you got there with.

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - XenoMorph - 07-13-2018

(07-13-2018, 01:23 PM)Benton Wrote: Played two run throughs, will probably do a third before too long. It's not bad. There's a lot to do, but I felt there wasn't a ton of character development. To me, part of the fun has always been how choices impact your character, from creation through ending. Skimping on some abilities so you can carry more gear, becoming an adult film star, siding with ghouls lovers over people... you know, all the basic stuff. With Wasteland 2, it didn't seem to matter a ton on what you did, you were going toward the same ending anyway, it just changed a little on who you got there with.

I could see that maybe being an issue as instead of just one main guy you pick a squad.. I know in the fallout games you had companions but I don't know if it works the same... Been sitting on that game a few years now..   Trying to get to it but the back log keeps growing...

(for someone that doesn't have a ton of time to game I still buy games at a pretty consistent rate lol)

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - XenoMorph - 11-29-2018

So my little 76 review.

This map is huge and there is a ton to do and explore.

Settlement building (mainly just yours) you can set up your base save a blue print change everything save a different blue print and drop which ever one works best for where you are. (also suppose to be able to put locks on your doors etc... haven't gotten that far yet.

I'm level 21 still mainly on the left 1/3 of the map and have found over 100 locations.

The biggest difference to me is the stash limit.. I'm an in game horder grabbing everything rarely selling anything etc.. But the stash cap at 400 lbs makes me change my play style to looting less crap and using what I already have to upgrade other things.

The SPECIAL system is different as well.. Instead of you leveled pick a perk. or special stat... You will level a special stat each time till 50 I believe.

And get a perk card of your choosing.. (perk cards can be anywhere between rank 1 and 5 that ive seen.. two rank 1 cards can be combined for a rank 2 if applicable.) you can switch out the cards you own at any time.. so you don't have to use locking picking as a card until you need it etc.

Figuring out your build early will go a long way but they are adding in a respec option after you get to level 50.

This system while different works pretty well when you figure it out.

Other than that its still pretty much fallout. no human npc's.. But fallout to me has always been kind of a choose your own adventure and then see the fallout of your actions. (I grew up on 1 and 2) there are lots of remnants of humans though as its only been 25 years since the war. (but as the first vault to open only humans are from that vault ie the players. as everyone else is dead. or mutated)

Yes there are some bugs... Nothing game breaking ive encounter yet. more just goofy things that will get cleaned up as we go.

So if you just play fallout for the main story arc? (why?) then its probly not for u... But if you love exploring the wasteland its good fun.

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - Millhouse - 11-30-2018

I saw where they will increase the stash limit to 600. And I doubt many of the bugs will get fixed, at least the same bugs that were copied and pasted from Fallout 3 and 4 games.

Hey at least you seem to enjoy it. But overall it has gotten crucified overall by reviewers and in the gaming world in general. Reviews anywhere from 3/10 to 5/10 seem to be the consensus. The way it is summed up is that they tried to make it a game for PvPrs and single players, but failed to satisfy either, especially PvPrs.

I havent played it yet, but watched a ton of it via streamers. Unless the price drops to 30 or so, as it has been dropping already, I am passing it up.

I look at this game based on everything I have watched and read up on critic wise as a low point for Bethesda. I mean I'm a Fallout fanboy, but this game though And when they have pretty much confirmed their new space game and Elder Scrolls 6 will still be using this same engine a decade old now, I have to admit I am worried about those two games.

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - XenoMorph - 11-30-2018

(11-30-2018, 03:48 PM)Millhouse Wrote: I saw where they will increase the stash limit to 600. And I doubt many of the bugs will get fixed, at least the same bugs that were copied and pasted from Fallout 3 and 4 games.

Hey at least you seem to enjoy it. But overall it has gotten crucified overall by reviewers and in the gaming world in general. Reviews anywhere from 3/10 to 5/10 seem to be the consensus. The way it is summed up is that they tried to make it a game for PvPrs and single players, but failed to satisfy either, especially PvPrs.

I havent played it yet, but watched a ton of it via streamers. Unless the price drops to 30 or so, as it has been dropping already, I am passing it up.

I look at this game based on everything I have watched and read up on critic wise as a low point for Bethesda. I mean I'm a Fallout fanboy, but this game though  And when they have pretty much confirmed their new space game and Elder Scrolls 6 will still be using this same engine a decade old now, I have to admit I am worried about those two games.

yeah the engine has already had some issues...   

I get a lot of the complaints people are making. about fallout 76.. While I haven't had anything game breaking on the xbox a few bugs I have noticed.  (some of which I thought were bugs but then learned I was doing something wrong  for instance when you move your camp I thought it would stay as you had it....  It doesn't.. unless you make a blueprint of your base.)

Did see a supermutant walking on air though lol. from what I can tell the PC version is the having the most issues.

But as far as no human npcs (a major complaint although they were very upfront about it) I think that's temporary thing as we are the first vault to open but Bethesda has plans for other vaults to open during the life of this game... which will or should introduce some npcs etc.

I'm not gonna sit here and try and tell anyone its great or anything I only maybe have 20 hours in at level 21 (maybe less but I play slow as I still loot everything fallout 4 style. and then spend a lot of time walking over encumbered)   so I can only really say I have had fun with it.

We will see where the game is after a few months / year   etc.    

*aint even worried about the bag gate scandle*

Think they should definitely be overhauling their engine as TES6 isn't gonna be till next gen.

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - XenoMorph - 12-03-2018

Factions found so far.

The volunteers
The Fire Breathers
The Enclave
The Brotherhood of steel
Order of Mysteries
The Raiders

RE: FALLOUT 76 (and series) - BmorePat87 - 12-04-2018

Played the BETA, didn't like it and canceled my preorder. Couldn't get onboard with the lack of NPCs.

Started replaying 4. Look forward to 5.