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If you were the head coach of the Bengals? - Printable Version

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If you were the head coach of the Bengals? - HarleyDog - 10-06-2024

Here's what I would do after a tough loss that was MY FAULT!

I would not address the Locker room. I would just go home. I have some thinking to do. My offense played their ass off. I let them down. What do I do to make it better? How did I fail them so badly? 

Is it my coaches? Is it my trust? What am I doing wrong? Is it my PLAYCALLING? How do I make this team better?

RE: If you were the head coach of the Bengals? - QueenCity - 10-06-2024

I'f Im Zac Taylor - I fire Lou.

I also give Burrow complete control over the offense for the rest of the season. If Burrow isn't up to the task then you let Pitcher call the plays.

Other than that the decision lies with management if they are willing to let this piss poor coaching staff continue.