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Why do people hurt animals?
It happens all the time. Dogs are beaten and chained outside to suffer, starved close to death, and sometimes even past that. Cats kicked. Pets are being used to train fighter dogs, etc. Where is the heart in those people? 

There was an arrest recently in my area where a man was punching a puppy because of, who knows? It's a damn puppy! Thank goodness a neighbor say it and called the police.

Whenever we get a dog, we get it from a shelter. They come with damage and scars. They take a while to trust because their past has not been pretty. 

Sometimes, I don't understand people. But I have enough common sense to know it's only a sick few and not the majority. Yet, I still struggle putting myself in the dogs' position and being abused like that. I remember when I was young, I saw the movie "Faces of death." Good Lord, I wish I had never seen that. For those that have seen it, you know what I'm talking about.
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People are cruel. It makes no sense.
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I don't even like to think about this stuff man. Can't watch the commercials for ASCPA. It kills me.
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(07-15-2024, 10:06 AM)Tiger Teeth Wrote: I don't even like to think about this stuff man.  Can't watch the commercials for ASCPA.  It kills me.

Yeah, I know. It pains me to think about these things also. All my dogs have had terrible pasts before we got them. They've all come with scars. We also have a cat, which is a runt. He thinks he's a badass, bud the little dude never grows. He's always jumping on Lucy and she's 80 lbs and strong as an ox. But she puts up with it. He knows no fear. So much so that we nicknamed him Chicken Hawk.

Sometimes, he goes a little too far with Lucy, and she will open her mouth, put his entire head in it, and hold it there for a second to let him know she's had enough. It's cute as hell when she does it because she in no way hurts him, but is communicating with him. Then she will let him go and he will strut off. 
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I have no answer for cruelty.
You can only be bothered by your own thoughts. You can only be p*ssed about your own life.

It is sickening to me. People need to be locked up for a long time. Someone ever touches my Daisy, she is a Newfoundland, I swear to everything holy, the MP5 will come out of the closet and I will hunt you down.
Damaged cowards.

I couldn’t be one of those agents. Wearing a gun? No way…
Go Benton Panthers!!
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(07-16-2024, 11:44 PM)sandwedge Wrote: It is sickening to me. People need to be locked up for a long time. Someone ever touches my Daisy, she is a Newfoundland, I swear to everything holy, the MP5 will come out of the closet and I will hunt you down.

For anyone without pets, it's impossible to grasp your passion. But I get it as well as share it.
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(07-14-2024, 08:19 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: It happens all the time. Dogs are beaten and chained outside to suffer, starved close to death, and sometimes even past that. Cats kicked. Pets are being used to train fighter dogs, etc. Where is the heart in those people? 

There was an arrest recently in my area where a man was punching a puppy because of, who knows? It's a damn puppy! Thank goodness a neighbor say it and called the police.

Whenever we get a dog, we get it from a shelter. They come with damage and scars. They take a while to trust because their past has not been pretty. 

Sometimes, I don't understand people. But I have enough common sense to know it's only a sick few and not the majority. Yet, I still struggle putting myself in the dogs' position and being abused like that. I remember when I was young, I saw the movie "Faces of death." Good Lord, I wish I had never seen that. For those that have seen it, you know what I'm talking about.

Seeing that, I would have hurt the man on the spot.

Animal abusers are the WORST people on the planet. The animal has no chance to leave the house, can't talk to someone, ask for help, or reasonably fight back.

The worst humans on Earth abuse animals.

FUN FACT: The only other team to offer Mike Vick a contract after prison was Mike Brown & the Bengals. 2 years $2.3M. Vick took the Eagles deal because it was basically double the money.

I would have abandoned the Bengals until Brown was dead if they had signed him. I could personally NEVER be a fan or support someone capable of animal abuse. Certainly not like what Vick did.

Happy Vick has turned himself around, but I would have been livid if he was a Bengal right out of prison for what he was a part of.
The simple answer is that world is full of pieces of shit.
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(07-20-2024, 11:56 AM)PDub80 Wrote: Happy Vick has turned himself around, but I would have been livid if he was a Bengal right out of prison for what he was a part of.

Thinking about it, that would have been the team's narrative back then. MB was willing to hire criminals on the cheap. I'm glad he didn't come here either and thank you for the fact; either I didn't know that, or I forgot.
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(07-20-2024, 01:13 PM)jfkbengals Wrote: The simple answer is that world is full of pieces of shit.

My wife and I went for a Saturday drive just to get out. We were cruising the countryside and decided to drive up to Eldora Speedway in Rossburg, OH (It's only 25 minutes from our house). This weekend is the Kings Royal which is the biggest race they have and the winner get's a million I think. Anyway, there were probably over 250 RVs and campers—people from all over. One thing I noticed was all the Dogs. Seems like most had a dog. I think it was more fun to drive through and watch the dogs more than the people. It was comforting to see so many pets living their best life.

Most people are good pet owners. And then,  some aren't. Most men will beat the shit out of a MF'r they see mistreating their dog. Thank God there are not many. Tiger mentioned those heart-tugging commercials and how it bothers him. It does me too, but I have solace in knowing these are the worst cases. Or at least I hope so.
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(07-20-2024, 07:14 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: My wife and I went for a Saturday drive just to get out. We were cruising the countryside and decided to drive up to Eldora Speedway in Rossburg, OH (It's only 25 minutes from our house). This weekend is the Kings Royal which is the biggest race they have and the winner get's a million I think. Anyway, there were probably over 250 RVs and campers—people from all over. One thing I noticed was all the Dogs. Seems like most had a dog. I think it was more fun to drive through and watch the dogs more than the people. It was comforting to see so many pets living their best life.

Most people are good pet owners. And then,  some aren't. Most men will beat the shit out of a MF'r they see mistreating their dog. Thank God there are not many. Tiger mentioned those heart-tugging commercials and how it bothers him. It does me too, but I have solace in knowing these are the worst cases. Or at least I hope so.

I agree.  Most people take great care of their pets.  We have 3 indoor cats.  And these boys are freaking spoiled.  But not all are like this.  I saw a dog the other day in a parked car.  The 1 window was cracked and it was hot as shit!  Made me want to break a window.
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I would kill someone if they hurt my dog, people can take that to the bank. It's not an eye for an eye lol. Someone threatened my dog from across the street, saying he couldn't control his dog and that mine should move, or his dog is going to kill it. I said she's not going to move (she was sitting on the sidewalk across the street). I told him he should try to move HIS dog or WE'RE going to have a problem lol.
I read a story just two days ago about a family’s dog where the people lived on a golf course. A golfer hit a stray shot into the family’s back yard and walked into the yard to play his ball where it was. The family dog stood up and walked over to the golfer, not threatening in any way according to the neighbors who were outside and witnessed everything. The golfer started hitting the dog in the head with his club. The dog was bloodied and couldn’t open its eyes. Fortunately the vet said the dog is expected to make a full recovery, and the country club was able to ID the golfer to the authorities thanks to eye witnesses. And yet somehow the POS hasn’t been arrested yet. It’s mind boggling.
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(07-14-2024, 08:19 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: It happens all the time. Dogs are beaten and chained outside to suffer, starved close to death, and sometimes even past that. Cats kicked. Pets are being used to train fighter dogs, etc. Where is the heart in those people? 

There was an arrest recently in my area where a man was punching a puppy because of, who knows? It's a damn puppy! Thank goodness a neighbor say it and called the police.

Whenever we get a dog, we get it from a shelter. They come with damage and scars. They take a while to trust because their past has not been pretty. 

Sometimes, I don't understand people. But I have enough common sense to know it's only a sick few and not the majority. Yet, I still struggle putting myself in the dogs' position and being abused like that. I remember when I was young, I saw the movie "Faces of death." Good Lord, I wish I had never seen that. For those that have seen it, you know what I'm talking about.

People that abuse animals are godless people and if theres a hell ...thats where they are going. Good of you to take in those animals from the shelters.  We recently had to put down a beautiful German Shepherd we got from a rescue 5 yrs ago as he got a surprise aggressive cancer diagnosis. We will be back to that rescue when ready to adopt another German Shepherd. 
Yes I watched  Faces of Death ...gruesome! 
(09-05-2024, 01:10 PM)jfkbengals Wrote: I read a story just two days ago about a family’s dog where the people lived on a golf course.  A golfer hit a stray shot into the family’s back yard and walked into the yard to play his ball where it was.  The family dog stood up and walked over to the golfer, not threatening in any way according to the neighbors who were outside and witnessed everything.  The golfer started hitting the dog in the head with his club.  The dog was bloodied and couldn’t open its eyes.  Fortunately the vet said the dog is expected to make a full recovery, and the country club was able to ID the golfer to the authorities thanks to eye witnesses.  And yet somehow the POS hasn’t been arrested yet.  It’s mind boggling.

 If that was my dog, that suspect better go into hiding. 
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(09-14-2024, 12:23 PM)FormerlyBengalRugby Wrote: [Image: 459614781_1553706062023247_6730774637128...e=66EB8C15]

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You can only be bothered by your own thoughts. You can only be p*ssed about your own life.


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