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(05-05-2016, 05:50 PM)michaelsean Wrote: I've seen every episode and I don't know what the F**k you people are talking about. I guess I'm just in it for the boobs and seeing people slaughtered. And Tiberion or whatever his name is.
Lyanna is Ned's dead sister. We saw her in the flashback during Sunday's episode and Robert and Ned referred to her a few times during season 1.
Rhaegar is Dany's dead older brother. He is the reason Robert's rebellion happened (he "kidnapped" Lyanna who was to be married to Robert). He is referenced a few times in the series.
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(05-05-2016, 10:04 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Rhaegar is Dany's dead older brother. He is the reason Robert's rebellion happened (he "kidnapped" Lyanna who was to be married to Robert). He is referenced a few times in the series.
But not the dead brother who got molten gold dumped on his head. An older, older brother.
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(05-05-2016, 01:56 AM)Millhouse Wrote: Probably not too much (if true and he finds out soon) in the near future. But down the road having 'dragon blood' in him may come in handy with Dany's kids.
Good points.
They will probably reveal that slowly, since it's not a particularly urgent or critical bit of info. And I think that realization, for Jon and other characters, is probably something RR will want to stay consistent with his plan.
Not sure what will happen in the near-term with Jon. He's no longer obligated to the Watch, but he also has no real place to go, especially without an army. Maybe Sansa getting to Castle Black will be the catalyst for him to march on Winterfell.
I hope this season isn't otherwise a slow burn bringing everything together for a war with the White Walkers, because I see things going that way.
Supposedly two more seasons after this, so some 28 episodes left. My feeling is there may be some shocking or surprising moments, but not much will really happen this season....ending with Jon marching on Winterfell and Dany boarding a fleet of ships for Westerios. I'm hoping for another major White Walker confrontation but don't expect it to happen (although having the Walkers take Winterfell would be an interesting development).
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(05-06-2016, 12:19 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Good points.
They will probably reveal that slowly, since it's not a particularly urgent or critical bit of info. And I think that realization, for Jon and other characters, is probably something RR will want to stay consistent with his plan.
Not sure what will happen in the near-term with Jon. He's no longer obligated to the Watch, but he also has no real place to go, especially without an army. Maybe Sansa getting to Castle Black will be the catalyst for him to march on Winterfell.
I hope this season isn't otherwise a slow burn bringing everything together for a war with the White Walkers, because I see things going that way.
Supposedly two more seasons after this, so some 28 episodes left. My feeling is there may be some shocking or surprising moments, but not much will really happen this season....ending with Jon marching on Winterfell and Dany boarding a fleet of ships for Westerios. I'm hoping for another major White Walker confrontation but don't expect it to happen (although having the Walkers take Winterfell would be an interesting development).
One big piece that is missing from this show that i thought would be coming about by now is Robbs starks named heir to the north... In the books Before robb left for the twins for his cousins wedding to the freys. He had held a meeting with his lords and named his succesor to the throne. (possibly even given jon the name of stark as he was fond of jon and that is within his power as king)
But anyways in the books he gives this letter to the blackfish... Catylens uncle from the eryie And he manages to escape out of riverrun when jamie is their to force its surrender. So we expect him to be traveling north with this letter. Possibly to Lord Reed who was good friends with Eddard and would be the only other living person to know jon's true heritage.
why i say jon and not bran or rikkon is last word robb ever received of his brothers were that they were dead and his sisters dead or captive in kings landing leaving only jon.
Now that jon has been killed... his duty as the 998th LCoTNW is over and i suspect whoever is the 999th will be the last.
i dont know if they been moving that story along in the show.
But it definately would but a cramp in littlefingers plans.
But there are only 2 main players for the throne controlling all the strings... Varys and Littlefinger. While neither will probly ever sit the throne they both have a ton of control
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(05-06-2016, 03:40 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: But there are only 2 main players for the throne controlling all the strings... Varys and Littlefinger. While neither will probly ever sit the throne they both have a ton of control
Seems they are going to use Bran's newfound abilities to show flashback's and quickly fill in history (convenient plot device is convenient!). Interesting point about Robb thinking Bran and Rincon were dead.
And I've completely forgotten about Littlefinger! Past due to check in with him this week...Anyway, I disagree about them being the puppetmasters you claim. Littlefinger, I think, is mainly there to represent the power-grabbers trying to manipulate their way to higher class. Varys is more of a survivor who tries to identify the winners and align himself with them. In a world of magic and walking dead, I think those two have influence but no real power or control to change the will of the gods.
The more influence Littlefinger tries to exert, the more he will be on others' radar...and it will end badly for him. Dany has Tyrion and Varys to advise her, so Littlefinger can't manipulate that. And Jon appears to be above such manipulation, as well, especially with Sir Davos advising him.
Jon is no longer bound by oath, but I don't see him turning his attention away from the threat beyond the Wall unless something (or someone - a.k.a Sansa) does that. And even with Wildling army, what are we talking - 5,000 counting women and children? He's not going to do much with that. Although I could see much of the North following him voluntarily. Maybe then he seeks to unite Westerios against the threat behind the there's the rest of this season, ending with Dany arriving with her dragons.
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(05-06-2016, 04:28 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Seems they are going to use Bran's newfound abilities to show flashback's and quickly fill in history (convenient plot device is convenient!). Interesting point about Robb thinking Bran and Rincon were dead.
And I've completely forgotten about Littlefinger! Past due to check in with him this week...Anyway, I disagree about them being the puppetmasters you claim. Littlefinger, I think, is mainly there to represent the power-grabbers trying to manipulate their way to higher class. Varys is more of a survivor who tries to identify the winners and align himself with them. In a world of magic and walking dead, I think those two have influence but no real power or control to change the will of the gods.
The more influence Littlefinger tries to exert, the more he will be on others' radar...and it will end badly for him. Dany has Tyrion and Varys to advise her, so Littlefinger can't manipulate that. And Jon appears to be above such manipulation, as well, especially with Sir Davos advising him.
Jon is no longer bound by oath, but I don't see him turning his attention away from the threat beyond the Wall unless something (or someone - a.k.a Sansa) does that. And even with Wildling army, what are we talking - 5,000 counting women and children? He's not going to do much with that. Although I could see much of the North following him voluntarily. Maybe then he seeks to unite Westerios against the threat behind the there's the rest of this season, ending with Dany arriving with her dragons.
My thoughts on that is base soley in the books. the TV show is just kinda fun to watch and not Cannon for me.
Littlefinger knows he himself cannot sit the iron throne... But he is working on putting someone he wants there. He thrives in chaos. the more he can pit the big 7 against each other the more room he has to work without being noticed.
Lysa Arryn killed her husband for little finger. Jon Arryns death is what triggered most of the current events in place. (plus centurys of bad blood between houses)
currently in the books at the end of 5. He is Warden over the Riverlands (fought for Robb) He has gained the loyalty of the Vale for the most part. (few loose ends there still) He got rid of Lysa. and now controls robin who he will likely get rid of soon enough.
His plans to marry Sansa to Harry the Heir Who is heir of the Vale after Little sickly Robin. This marrage is where he plans to reveal who Sansa is. and he asked her if retaking the north as a marrage gift...
Oh and hes master of Coin.. or was and he did a lot while there for his own gain.
So while he was work to do he has almost got himself a kingdom... The riverlands will run to the banner of the king of the north after what happened there. The remaining northerns most certainly would perfer the direwolf to the flayed man.
And little finger thru Sansa would control 3/7 kingdoms. At least that seems his plan.
Varys is another matter i dont have time to detail right now.
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By not telling us what was in that tower, they basically told us.
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(05-08-2016, 11:28 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: By not telling us what was in that tower, they basically told us.
I think that entire thing would be nearly impossible to piece together without knowledge of the books.
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(05-09-2016, 12:42 AM)JustWinBaby Wrote: I think that entire thing would be nearly impossible to piece together without knowledge of the books.
True, a lot more is revealed in the books, but it's clear that there's more in the Tower of Joy than just his sister and it's clear Bran will discover. Considering how big of a reveal this would be if it's Jon, I guess I can see why they're teasing us and making us wait.
Why else would the Prince's closest friend guard this tower after the Prince and the King died?
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(05-09-2016, 09:24 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: True, a lot more is revealed in the books, but it's clear that there's more in the Tower of Joy than just his sister and it's clear Bran will discover. Considering how big of a reveal this would be if it's Jon, I guess I can see why they're teasing us and making us wait.
Why else would the Prince's closest friend guard this tower after the Prince and the King died?
in the books it was 3 of the kings guard.. With no royalty present.
His friend you speak of was the Griffith there?
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(05-09-2016, 09:55 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: in the books it was 3 of the kings guard.. With no royalty present.
His friend you speak of was the Griffith there?
No Griffith, it seems like that story line was just omitted. Arthur Dayne and some rando Kingsguard were there in the episode.
Ned tells him it's over and that he wants his sister. In response to Ned saying that Rhaegar and Aerys are dead, Arthur says that Rhaegar told him to protect what's in the tower or not let anyone in there, something like that.
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(05-09-2016, 10:12 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: No Griffith, it seems like that story line was just omitted. Arthur Dayne and some rando Kingsguard were there in the episode.
Ned tells him it's over and that he wants his sister. In response to Ned saying that Rhaegar and Aerys are dead, Arthur says that Rhaegar told him to protect what's in the tower or not let anyone in there, something like that.
Who Rhaegar believes is the Prince that was Promised... (or potentially) as baby wasnt born when he left to go join the war effort. or possibly like the weapon used to destroy the white walkers before... It took Rhaegar 3 attempts (3 kids) and the last cost a life. (bigger stretch theory lol)
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So was Jon supposed to be the "Oathbreaker", that Sir Alliser referenced, or was it the Sir Alliser and the other 3 assasins executed for treason?
Because leaving the watch clearly wasn't breaking his Oath, but I'm confused if he actually did ever break his Oath.
Because maybe it actually references Arya, although I'm not sure she actually took any sort of oath. But I don't think anyone expects her to remain the girl with no name.
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(05-09-2016, 01:50 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: So was Jon supposed to be the "Oathbreaker", that Sir Alliser referenced, or was it the Sir Alliser and the other 3 assasins executed for treason?
Because leaving the watch clearly wasn't breaking his Oath, but I'm confused if he actually did ever break his Oath.
Because maybe it actually references Arya, although I'm not sure she actually took any sort of oath. But I don't think anyone expects her to remain the girl with no name.
I believe it was about jon...
He was preceived as breaking his oaths when he join mances army as they only one that could speak for that was killed by his hand (also could be considered breaking an oath)
It could be referencing the fact he died and came back which ends his oath to the nights watch.
Or the brothers that killed him themselves.
Did the episode include anything about him and the red god as he also holds oaths to the old gods.
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(05-09-2016, 02:01 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: He was preceived as breaking his oaths when he join mances army as they only one that could speak for that was killed by his hand (also could be considered breaking an oath)
If it was meant to reference the four, then I suppose they would have called it "Oathbreakers".
Could mean his larger Night Watch story arc, and the Jon broke his Oath (more than once, probably). Maybe they meant to juxtapose it with Brienne's sword "Oathkeeper". Just seems a bit inappropriate here as Jon is not breaking any oaths in this episode, unless as you allude it's about abandoning his faith.
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(05-09-2016, 02:10 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: If it was meant to reference the four, then I suppose they would have called it "Oathbreakers".
Could mean his larger Night Watch story arc, and the Jon broke his Oath (more than once, probably). Maybe they meant to juxtapose it with Brienne's sword "Oathkeeper". Just seems a bit inappropriate here as Jon is not breaking any oaths in this episode, unless as you allude it's about abandoning his faith.
only reason i mention that is at one point stannis offered him winterfel and title of lord stark. but he would have to accept the god of fire. and get rid of the white tree i believe (in the books at least)...
but now thats hes been touched by the red god. who knows.
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(05-09-2016, 02:14 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: but now thats hes been touched by the red god. who knows.
This is interesting, though not sure if it will matter - but seeing nothing COULD mean Jon's gods were false it appears the Red god might be the real deal.
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(05-09-2016, 02:01 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: I believe it was about jon...
He was preceived as breaking his oaths when he join mances army as they only one that could speak for that was killed by his hand (also could be considered breaking an oath)
It could be referencing the fact he died and came back which ends his oath to the nights watch.
Or the brothers that killed him themselves.
Did the episode include anything about him and the red god as he also holds oaths to the old gods.
Melisandre says some crap about the Lord of Light had more plans for Jon and she believes he is the Prince that was Promised, not Stannis, but Jon makes no claims to following the Lord of Light.
I believe the episode was a reference to Jon as he gives up his post as Lord Commander and says "my watch is over" as he storms off.
Their oath: now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death
He's done with the Night's Watch. The question is, will Sansa get there before he leaves?
Also, what's up with the Umbers giving Rickon to Ramsey? It has to be a plan since the Umbers are completely loyal to the Starks. Littlejon brings Osha, Rickon, and Shaggydog's head saying that Greatjon is dead and he is the lord now. I just don't understand how the Umbers completely turn sides unless it's a plan.
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(05-09-2016, 10:12 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: No Griffith, it seems like that story line was just omitted. Arthur Dayne and some rando Kingsguard were there in the episode.
Ned tells him it's over and that he wants his sister. In response to Ned saying that Rhaegar and Aerys are dead, Arthur says that Rhaegar told him to protect what's in the tower or not let anyone in there, something like that.
So, was the scream, her giving birth?
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