04-14-2021, 07:22 PM
(04-14-2021, 03:56 PM)rupe Wrote: Forced is a subjective word. I know people who felt forced because they are nurses and in order to keep their jobs they were "forced" to take it or not be able support their families. I also know a nurse who's place of employment does not require it but strongly recommends it. She has not gotten it but feels the pressure every day. Some people don't have the ability to make that forced choice. I do, but I'm fortunate to work in an industry that sees through this bullshit and has not enacted draconian measures. It's going to be interesting to see the future lawsuits pile up against entities that "forced" their employees or students to take an experimental, for emergency use shot. If months or years from now we see more deaths or complications due to the shot, someone will pay. Since the manufacturers are exempt from lawsuits that will fall on those who mandated a shot that was for emergency use. 99.997%. It's funny how HCQ and zinc were never allowed as a choice (until recently you can get it now if you know how), but experimental vaccines are. I will say I received so much joy seeing those people at the Rangers game without their masks on. One day soon this veil of bullshit will be lifted https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1382364998069059591?s=20. To keep it on the NFL and the Bengals... What kind of jeopardy are they putting themselves in by forcing certain employees to take the vaccine, but not forcing the players/owners/coaches to take it? How would the NFL and other employers enforce this anyway? Surely that little piece of paper won't do it considering one can made for as little as 3 cents.
Holy stromboli Batman. I'm not on Twitter but I just clicked that link and watched the video. I'm not a political type person and I dont watch TV news at all (still a newspaper guy lol). But if that video is real it explains why my one sister is freaking out about covid way more than anyone else in the family. She is very political and loves CNN above all. My 98 year old grandpa recovered from covid, my 75 year old mom, my 74 year old diabetic aunt and her 77 year old diabetic husband both recovered from covid. Both my aunt and uncle on my dads side recovered from it just fine as well. But she will not let anyone in the family visit her beautiful new house unless we are vaccinated even though she is vaccinated.
I'm out of this topic lol. End thread for me.