04-20-2021, 08:42 PM
(04-20-2021, 08:18 PM)Wyche Wrote: I do SPG quite a bit....and it's the basis of any rub. What you add from there is taste and experiment. I usually do 5-6 rather large parties a year, and quite a bit just around home and the neighbors. I knew I had a hit with the pork rub when the BBQ sauce sat unused. Sprinkle more in while I'm pulling. The brisket is just kind of a tex mex thing that I came up with... it's an interesting twist on brisket. But I traditionally cook simple on beef. Poultry rub is pretty standard, a little thyme/rosemary, olive oil, spg, smoked paprika, couple other herbs. Fish is a basic dill rub. I find that I like more variety in the fowl and fish realm...and more basic on traditional meats.
And none of us have gotten invitations why?
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