04-27-2021, 06:53 PM
The line of thinking with waiting to address the O-line is a bit baffling to me. It's like listening to someone who drives a La Ferrari reasoning why he has second hand salvage yard tires. "You see, this engine? She has been hand tuned by blind Norwegian nuns from Albania. They have spent 62 years learning to tune by sound alone!! And this suspension!! Made from the finest angel wing sinew and bouyed by the bottled dreams of war orphans!! I do not need to spend high Euro amounts on tires! Tires are boring! You can't even read them when this machine is in motion! The sheer performance characteristics of this car will make the tires better! And my tire rotator, he is the most respected tire rotator in the world! He has taken Nexens and made them able to perform like a Michelin! Michelins!"

Fueled by satanism, violence, and sodomy, dinosaurs had little chance to survive as a species.