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How will we do in the North in 2021
IF, and it's a HUGE IF, this team stays healthy, they can easily go 3-3.

Let's look at last year:

Cleveland - (0-2) 35-30, 37-34. There's no way we lose the game at home with a healthy secondary. A split is within reason

Pittsburgh - (1-1) 36-10, 27-17 (W). Count me shocked that we actually won on Monday night. I think that this is the one team that has a worse overall roster than we do.

Baltimore - (0-2) 27-3, 36-10. The 27-3 game was brutal from an offensive standpoint, but the defense was outstanding. I can't see them winning a game against them, but they beat Pittsburgh last year.

It really comes down to when we play these team. If it's towards the end and some of our draft picks and free agents are as advertised, i can see 2-4 at worst.

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RE: How will we do in the North in 2021 - Hammerstripes - 05-04-2021, 08:03 PM

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