11-06-2015, 03:17 AM
This is a team with a chip on their shoulder that went into training camps with a real ticked off attitude. Nobody was more upset over the play-off losses than these young players and they are now angry veterans out to shut up the wise guy critics. They have the talent and going into their 5th straight play-offs, they have the right attitude that 8-0 is nice, but their goals are much bigger than this, Super Bowl Win......and the reason for my picture of The Lombardi Trophy. .....Super Bowls start in Spring and Summer, and THIS team put in the extra hard work....Forrest Gregg said the teams that win in the 4th quarter are the teams that worked the hardest and are in the best condition to fight off the fatigue. The 2015 Bengals take over games in the 4th quarter, and Vince Lombardi's Forrest Gregg of the 1981 Bengals would be proud of the 2015 Bengals. ...This is all the hard work of Spring and Summer taking them to the next level.
1968 Bengal Fan