05-21-2021, 12:01 AM
(05-19-2021, 07:35 PM)George Cantstandya Wrote: Well I don't know how much I believe people supposedly being abducted by aliens. I mean if I was a bit odd and wanted some attention I could park my car by some rural road, wander off in the woods for a day or two, wander back to the road naked flagging down a car and claim I was abducted by aliens with some amazing story. If anything social media has shown us over the last decade or so that there are almost no limits to what some people will go to for attention and a few minutes of fame.
I don't even know if I believe our tiny and fairly young planet in a massive universe is being explored by alien life. I mean it could be possible but it would take a very, very advanced life form to do so. I certainly believe given the expanse of the universe that there are planets outside our solar system that have life and most probably intelligent life as we define it.
That said, I'm not ruling out alien abduction or alien visits. I'm just not sold on the fact that they are doing so and also actively trying to communicate with us. Much less taking humans for samples, communicating with them in some way, and then sending them back with a story to tell all the other humans about the aliens that took them if said aliens are trying to keep things a secret.
I getcha brother, lmao. Especially with the time of today, but not back 20 to 70 years ago when these things went on.
Highly doubt these people were seeking attention. That is what I am saying, I take what I see now a days with a grain of salt.
People actually seeking out attention which to me is extremely strange.
They can fake almost anything with computer graphics now. Why not just do that?
I saw things when youtube first was around that would curl your hair. I looked for this stuff exclusively. Saw all kinds of stuff.
Underground tunnels, Area 52 (Dugway Proving Area) Utah, all kind of Greys which they are called by most of us weirdos.