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What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions
(05-20-2021, 09:54 PM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: I always thought New Vegas was very much like Fallout 3 and I loved them both. I would like to platinum those games someday.

Its built on the Same Engine  but was developed by     Obisdian at the time as there was a demand for more Fallout but Bethesda was deep into Skyrim i believe at the time.   

They are both really good games and use the fallout lore well...   FONV follows the open endedness of the original fallout games better than 3..  FO4  also had about 4 main endings.    But none are really like the orignals for that you have to go to inXiles   Wasteland series. lol...

they are all excellend games though.   And very thankful Bethesda Rescued Fallout as it was a dead IP at the time.

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RE: What Are you Playing Now & General Game Discussions - XenoMorph - 05-21-2021, 08:46 AM

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